Will it reset to 0001? Somehow I suspect not !
I think it will refuse further game saves, or cack up in some way to be sure.
Anybody come upon this and do you know a workaround / fix.?
WOW, how you have managed to get to that number ??? lol
Maybe you will be the first, to tell us what happens, afterall.
I have found a funny answer over the net. There are two things that could happen
- A message will pop up and say "Data limit exceeded, terminating application" and then your computer will blow up in your face.
- A message will pop up and say "Congratulations, you reached the 10000th save!" and Bethesda will show up at your house and throw a party in your honor.
If you're playing on an old version of Skyrim the first possibility will happen.
If you have the most recent version of Skyrim the second possibility will happen.
I suggest you, to update to the most recent version if you haven't already. I hear those Bethesda guys really know how to party.
2 options:
#1. It'll simply continue into save #10 000 and the text will look weird.
#2. It'll appear like it's rolled over back into save # 0000 but it's actually save # 10 000 and it's just truncating the leading number.
Never heard of someone reaching 9999 o.O. Don't forget to post it here what happens when you reach this http://xbx360.com/version-3-1.html