Living in a vacuum... just realized there are add-ons

Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:43 am

So I'm playing through NV [again] and I realized, while searching through one of the wikia sites, that there are add-ons to this game. I | don't know if I simply chose to ignore this before or never noticed until yesterday.

I bought NV through Xbox Live... so MS already jacked me once. I was hoping the add-ons were priced reasonably on XB Live... no such luck at $9.99 per add-on.

So I found it on Amazon for $14.00 and it will hopefully ship today.

Just in time since I hit the level cap last night.

So what's my problem? Well... I hit the level cap (30) last night and I continued playing on and cleared the entire Quarry Junction, killing every Deathclaw in and around that location. So... I'm wondering, will I be credited my XP when I install the add-ons or was all that work for nothing?

If it doesn't continue running a tally of my XP then I'll probably end up back-tracking because I can only imagine all those kills will almost definitely mean at least one level. But man it took a while, especially trying to figure out the best way to kill the mother (Fatman/Little Boy worked like a champ)

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Post » Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:02 pm

That work was for nothing (xp wise), but the DLC will give you enough experience to make up for it. They also add several new perks, so watch out for them.

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