So I'm playing through NV [again] and I realized, while searching through one of the wikia sites, that there are add-ons to this game. I | don't know if I simply chose to ignore this before or never noticed until yesterday.
I bought NV through Xbox Live... so MS already jacked me once. I was hoping the add-ons were priced reasonably on XB Live... no such luck at $9.99 per add-on.
So I found it on Amazon for $14.00 and it will hopefully ship today.
Just in time since I hit the level cap last night.
So what's my problem? Well... I hit the level cap (30) last night and I continued playing on and cleared the entire Quarry Junction, killing every Deathclaw in and around that location. So... I'm wondering, will I be credited my XP when I install the add-ons or was all that work for nothing?
If it doesn't continue running a tally of my XP then I'll probably end up back-tracking because I can only imagine all those kills will almost definitely mean at least one level. But man it took a while, especially trying to figure out the best way to kill the mother (Fatman/Little Boy worked like a champ)