Yeah, I know what you meant. Dawnbreaker is an object on which physics have an impact, so casting an AOE spell will kick it out of the pedestal. Living things do not work like this. For example, the reason why it wouldn't work is the same as why any other enemies in the game don't fly off when hit by the same spell. The spell has no actual, physical impact on an NPC. But it might still work for other reasons though, so I'm not suggesting the OP not to try it out. For example, what I suggested might fail because the game might still somehow oddly render the collision of the lid as if it's on top of the casket. Trying to perform a melee hit on the draugr would thus fail, while an AOE spell might pierce through. This is all mights and coulds, so the OP should try everything before reverting to an old save, which, hopefully, isn't too far away. :/