Killing Giants

Post » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:49 am

So I popped by Whiterun for a Bounty, ended up getting a mission to kill a Giant at Bleakwater Basin. I'm a Fighter-Mage, essentially. Conjuration and Alteration, Sword and Board.

I go armed for a fight with Utgred the Unbroken armed with a Dwarven Crossbow, a Flame Atronach, and myself armed with the Staff of Shock Wall from Otar.

The problem isn't the Giant himself, we can DPS him down fast's the fact there are two Giants at Bleakwater Basin...and both aggro when I start the fight on the one I'm meant to kill.

Any tips and tricks to taking these guys down?

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Len swann
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Post » Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:12 pm

Hmm, I've never fought Giants with followers.... I'd imagine Uthgerd just gets rocketed into the sky?

When I go up against Giants, it's either as a ranged specialist (archer or mage) or as a high-level melee type who wants to train up an armor/block skill. It seems like your character is more of a melee type, and perhaps low- to mid-level? That would be rather difficult, as Flame Atronachs will get one-hit by a Giant. And the Shock Wall staff isn't likely to help much either, since the Giant isn't going to stand still for very long.

Do you have any frost magic? I've had great results with low-level frost spells - even with Frostbite (IIRC) or Ice Spike, you can pretty much slow Giants down to a *crawl* and admire them from a few feet away as your Magicka refills.

Given that you're facing 2 at the same time, however, it will be a bit tricky slowing *both* down sufficiently, since you really need to keep laying on the frost.

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danni Marchant
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Post » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:26 pm

Ranged weapons from a height advantage. (They can't hurt you if they can't get to you.)

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Liv Brown
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Post » Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:50 pm

Yeah, got it knocked out. Went back and got Meeko and a Crossbow for myself, plus some armor upgrades. Enchanted the Crossbow with Frost, and just proceeded to kite the two in a big circle - avoiding the Mammoth herd.

And yes, Uthgred does get rocketed into the sky. Thankfully "Unbroken" applies, since she suffered no adverse effects on her journey into the stratosphere, since she came back down shooting.

Being only 100 Gold feels a bit...scumbaggish, though.

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