been stuck with 2 die-hard mini issues keeping me from releasing for, dunno, feels like years now, and i just don't know what to try anymore, maybe somebody can help.
issue #1: 2 dwemer "private spheres" accompany the player when a lever is set on and go "hybernate" in their ports when it's off.
this all works fine except for one thing: i can't seem to get them into their ports.
setup's like this:
spheres got their respective ports as linked refs.
they have 2 packages, conditioned to a bool on the lever.
one of them (false) currently is an 1:1 copy of the default ambush sleep pack, with just the condition changed to my lever
(the other one (true) is a custom do-stuff-pack).
they run custom scripts that shouldn't have anything to do with the actual sleeping (in this version anyway), but just to make sure (also left some stuff i tried in vain in there, for the same reason...):
Scriptname s7oDK01creaDweSphereJanitorSCRIPT extends ActorObjectReference Property SwitchLeverJanitor AutoEvent OnDeath ( Actor akKiller ) ( SwitchLeverJanitor as s7oDK01actiSwitchLeverJanitorSCRIPT ). CountSpheres () ( SwitchLeverJanitor as s7oDK01actiSwitchLeverJanitorSCRIPT ). Switch ( ( Self as Actor ) )endEventEvent OnLoad () if !( SwitchLeverJanitor as s7oDK01actiSwitchLeverJanitorSCRIPT ). SetOn EvaluatePackage () endifendEvent;Event OnActivate ( ObjectReference akActionRef ); if ( akActionRef == SwitchLeverJanitor ); if ( SwitchLeverJanitor as s7oDK01actiSwitchLeverJanitorSCRIPT ). SetOn; GetLinkedRef (). Activate ( ( Self as Actor ) );; else; EvaluatePackage (); endif; endif;endEvent
the ports themselves also run custom scripts, that also shouldn't affect the actual activation though (in this version):
Scriptname s7oDK01furnDweSphereJanitorPortSCRIPT extends ObjectReference Event OnActivate ( ObjectReference akActionRef ) if ( akActionRef.GetLinkedRef () && ( akActionRef.GetLinkedRef () == ( Self as ObjectReference ) ) ) UnregisterForUpdate () PlayAnimation ( "open" ) RegisterForSingleUpdate ( 2 ); Activate ( akActionRef as Actor, true ) endifendEventEvent OnUpdate () PlayAnimation ( "close" )endEvent
what happens is this: initially (OnLoad actually), they're not waiting in their ports as should, but at their editor locs in front of these.
with the lever on, they come following as should.
with the lever off, they, well, kind of run their sleep package, but instead of traveling to the port, activating it and getting into it, they just drop right where they stand -
where i assumed the sleep procedure (nothing else in that pack, just like in the vanilla ambush sleep pack i copied it from) handles the traveling, activating etc, but i also tried a custom pack including an own travel procedure, this made them travel to their ports and drop there)
the ports never seem to receive any activation at all (didn't put up with tracing though, as neither their OnActivates nor activation children they've got ever fire)
i tried tons of stuff (script activation, dedicated activate procedures and what not), checked all props, links etc of course and read through the vanilla ambush scripts dozens of times, without finding _anything_ -
anything, anybody...? i just don't know what to try anymore...