The last iteration of this thread can be found Remember, if you've already posted once in the introduction thread please don't do it again. (Although the last few people who posted in the previous thread are exempted)
This is not a discussion thread, please just post to introduce yourself and please do not respond to introductions.
Let us know which part of the world you are from, and don't forget to be a bit more specific when you introduce yourself. Please complete the
Before we start, a note on Posting Personal Information
Even after users have been here a while it is normal to feel relaxed and in with a group of trusted friends. Remember that this is an online community, and just like anywhere else, anyone can read the posts and so it is unwise to post any detailed information about yourself, such as your real name or any type of information that could let bad people get at you. Please remember to use Internet "streetsmarts" here or anywhere else online.