That would be a very BAD idea. 
Those processors are too expensive, and only worth, if you have in mind to do some serious rendering stuff !!! (Even then a normal i7 would do the trick just fine)
See what you get if you compare an very expensive i7-3970X with an i7- 3770K.
Even if those games are pretty old, nothing has changed until now, that justifies the purchase of an Intel Extreme CPU.
Also i want to notice, on high resolutions (1920x1080 and above) it doesn't matter if you have an 8, 6 or 4 core processor.
The reason for this is, that the CPU isn't the bottleneck of a system, when you are playing games at high resolutions. In this case it's the GPU, which has to work overtime.
On lower resolutions the affect of the CPU becomes visible, since the GPU isn't the limiting factor anymore. !!!
Lastly, as Skyrim is not a native multi core CPU game, more speed would be more beneficial as more cores.
I am sure you don't have an GTX 570 in your system running side by side with your Extreme Intel Processor, have you ???