I have a problem with StopScript function. This is my script:
Begin myscriptshort doOnceMessageBox "Script 1 is running"if ( doOnce == 0 ) if ( GetJournalIndex A2_2_6thHouse >= 50 ) MessageBox "Executed stage 1" set doOnce to 1 endif returnelseif ( doOnce ) if ( GetJournalIndex C3_DestroyDagoth >= 50 ) MessageBox "Executed stage 2" StopScript, "myscript" return endifendifend
Unfortunatelly, even when I set my journal to C3_DestroyDagoth 50 and although I get message "Executed stage 2", the script is still running (as it still spams "Script 1 is running" message).
Anyone has any ideas why it does not work? Thanks in advance for any tips