Some advice for a first time playthrough (About mods)

Post » Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:11 pm

Hi! :D
I've never played any Elder Scrolls (actually, it's not that I don't want to, just my PC is old and I can play only Morrowind)
I looked at mod sites to know a little better about them, and there are lots of mods (I'm not going to install Overhaul for example, my pc is old, as I've said), graphic mods, mods that changes game mechanics... Well, you all know better than me.
My question is: would you suggest me to play the first time with mods?
If yes, why?
If no, why?
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:45 pm

For the very first time, no, try it without mods. At least a bit. That way you'll know which things you'll want to change and what you want to keep from the vanilla game.

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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:43 pm

Thanks for replying!

To be honest, I did played a few minutes, and I didn't like the textures, heads and hair mostly, and the fact that I miss a lot with a weapon when I'm hitting an enemy... in the face :P

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Julie Serebrekoff
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Post » Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:21 pm

There is no 'miss' animation, so it does look wierd. But, if you have atleat 40 in the weapon you are using, and have decent agility ( 35+ ), you'll miss less often. Thats the main difference from the newer games. You WILL fail at tasks if the charachter isn't skilled at the task. If you can understand that and able to overcome that, then the game becomes easier.

Also, the failure is more if the fatigue is low.

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Bedford White
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Post » Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:42 pm

No mods.
So you can see the game as it was created in 2002 as Bethesda finished it.
Some of the meshes and textures can be a bit outdated, but overall the vanilla game still looks pretty good. (The worst being your own face and body)

There are some community patches that fix thousands of problems (some minor some major) that you should check out even if you want to avoid mods themselves.
Details here:

That is how combat works. Success is based on dice-rolls.
In order to be successful in battle you need to know the mechanics of the game....
- Fatigue (your green bar) affects every action you attempt. You need fatigue to successfully attack/use spellls/bribe/lockpick/etc
- You need to use a weapon you're skilled with. You should make a Class that starts with a Major Skill weapon at least at 35-40 and use a weapon of that skill.
- Patience. Morrowind is very hard at the start. You need to go slow and pay attention.

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KU Fint
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Post » Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:08 pm

Well... It makes more sense now that you explained it, and it sounds awesome!
I was planning on picking a class that uses a bow, because (it may be funny) I watch the tv series Arrow and it's awesome, so, that's the main reason why :tongue:

I used the link you provided to me a lot to investigate about mods, it's really useful!
That's how I found a lot of interesting mods!
But you're right, the only thing I really can't stand are the faces (I want to play as a Wooden Elf, and they are uglier than me :tongue:), so, I'll only get Better Heads + Morrowind Patch Project and that's it :D
And perhaps those texture/meshes fixers, just to improve the landscapes a bit.
PS: Thank you both for replying :D
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Cameron Garrod
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