I want to modify one of the HF scripts, but if I try compiling any of the BYOH HF scripts they fail to compile. Even the vanilla scripts straight out of scripts.rar archive dropped straight into Data\Scripts\Source fail to compile with exactly the same error. Its always the same errors on the same scripts:
BYOHRelationshipAdoptableScript.psc(130,69): UpdateSpouseHouseInt is not a function or does not exist
BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript.psc(380,69): MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist
BYOHRelationshipAdoptionScript.psc(610,69): MoveSpouseAdoption is not a function or does not exist
the lines are
130 (RelationshipMarriageFIN as RelationshipMarriageSpouseHouseScript).UpdateSpouseHouseInt()
380 (RelationshipMarriageFIN as RelationshipMarriageSpouseHouseScript).MoveSpouseAdoption(Spouse.GetActorRef(), newHome)
610 (RelationshipMarriageFIN as RelationshipMarriageSpouseHouseScript).MoveSpouseAdoption(Spouse.GetActorRef(), newHome)
Completely baffling. Clearly I'm missing something but what?