Unofficial Skyrim Patch
Version: 2.1.1
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Requires Skyrim version or greater.
This mod is an effort to fix the vast amount of bugs currently existing in Skyrim. If you're experiencing a bug with Skyrim, please report the bug to us in as much detail as possible on Please use search to ensure that you aren't submitting something that is already there. Please also confirm that the bug you are reporting happens with no mods other than the unofficial patches installed. A lot of Skyrim bugs are actually the result of other mods doing things they're not supposed to. Thank you and we hope you have a better Skyrim experience!
(Note that all fixes are retroactive unless otherwise noted)
I've seen something called the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon)? What is this? Do I need it? Is it safe?
The mod known as the Skyrim Misc Patches Collection (aka USKP_Addon) is not an approved extension and does not have the support of the Unofficial Patch Project. It's author has decided to make some deeply subjective design changes to the game and has chosen to market in such a way as to make it seem as though our project approves of its existence. We do not. This mod is not only full of subjective game design changes but also contains poorly implemented replacements for several fixes we've already made that in turn generate conflicts in the game and can even lead to save game corruption.
We have on several occasions attempted to contact the author, who has contributed fixes directly into the patches before and has ALSO provided Italian translations. He refused to address the issue, in fact refused to acknowledge our concerns at all and has continued to operate as though nothing is wrong.
You are strongly advised NOT to use this mod as it will be damaging to your game. We will NOT provide support to anyone who is using it in their games.
We will rescind this warning if and ONLY if these issues are resolved.
Previous Threads:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
USKP Fixes
- All of the meshes edited in Bug #16116 have been reverted from the archive. After some discusssion among team members, it was decided that the UV scaling edits are entirely too subjective and not something the USKP should be making any decisions one way or the other on.
- The Prowlers Profit fix from Bug #10452 added the wrong leveled list to the TreasStrongBox container. (Bug #18928)
- Adjusted the conditions on Ysolda's forcegreet package in DA14 due to checking the wrong quest stages. (Bug #18896)
Game Mechanics Fixes
- Grand Healing has been known to heal enemies of the player (or his followers) when it's not supposed to. Conditions for magic effects RestoreHealthFFSelfArea and PerkRestoreStaminaFFSelfArea have added an IsHostileToActor check in addition to the GetShouldAttack check. (Bug #17521)
- WhiterunInnkeeperPackage (used by whoever the current innkeeper in the Bannered Mare is) should not have had the preferred speed checkbox enabled because it causes whoever the innkeeper is to run short distances behind the counter, which looks weird. (Bug #18955)
Actor Fixes
- dunPOITrappedWolf (used in a single one-time encounter in The Rift) had a respawn flag on it when it should not have. The trappers associated with the encounter do not resapwn, and if the wolf does, then opening the cage will cause it to vanish because it wasn't supposed to be there again. (Bug #18875)
Item Fixes
- Argonian Ale [AleWhiterunQuest] is mistakenly categorized as a potion rather than a food item; it is missing the food item flag. (Bug #18862)
- Diadem of the Savant [dunLabyrinthianMazeCircletReward] is missing the 'ArmorJewelry' keyword like other circlets. (Bug #18863)
Location Fixes
- Dustman's Cairn was incorrectly assigned to The Reach when it's in Whiterun Hold. (Bug #18954)
- Cell -16,9 was erroneously assigned to the Frostmere Crypt location. (Bug #18954)
- Cell -25,6 was erroneously assigned to MilitaryCampReachSonsLocation. (Bug #18954)
- 3 cells near Ysgramor's Tomb were erroneously assigned to YorgrimOverlookLocation. (Bug #18954)
- The Tower of Mzark lift area was incorrectly assigned to Hjaalmarch when it is part of The Pale. (Bug #18954)
- The Lord Stone was incorrectly assigned as part of Hjaalmarch when it's part of The Pale. (Bug #18954)
- Crabber's Shanty was incorrectly assigned to Whiterun Hold when it belongs to Hjaalmarch. (Bug #18954)
- Snapleg Cave was incorrectly assigned to Eastmarch Hold when it belongs to The Rift. (Bug #18954)
- Mzinchaleft and the nearby lift to Blackreach are incorrectly assigned as part of Hjaalmarch when they are in The Pale. (Bug #18954)
- Cold Rock Pass was incorrectly assigned to Whiterun Hold when it belongs to Hjaalmarch. (Bug #18954)
- The Wreck of the Winter War was incorrectly assigned to Winterhold when it belongs in Eastmarch. (Bug #18954)
- Yngol Barrow was incorrectly assigned to Winterhold when it belongs in Eastmarch. (Bug #18954)
- Nightingale Hall did not have Rift Hold set as a parent location. (Bug #18954)
- Serpent's Bluff Redoubt was assigned to Whiterun Hold when it belongs in The Reach. (Bug #18954)
Mesh and Texture Fixes
- Collision issues on one of the large mine pillar pieces caused the player to sink into the mesh. (meshes\dungeons\mines\caveepicpillar\minecepillar02.nif) (Bug #18607)
- The generic upper class table had collision too high off the surface that caused objects placed on it to float. (meshes\clutter\upperclass\uppertable01.nif) (Bug #18099)
- Open ended shpiwreck parts blocked access to items due to poor collision. (meshes\dungeons\ship\shiplongboatwreck02.nif) (Bug #18267)
- Dibella statues had poor collision causing them to sink into anything they were placed on. (meshes\clutter\statues\statuedibellagold01.nif) (Bug #18058)
- One of the Nordic rubble piles had bad collision causing objects resting on it to float. (meshes\dungeons\nordic\rubble\norrubblepile02.nif) (Bug #17886)
- Upper class nightstands had a hideous box collision that caused floaters and blocked access to items under it. (meshes\clutter\upperclass\uppernightstand01.nif) (Bug #18854)
- The Whiterun city drawbridge mesh had several seams and UV errors. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrcitywalls\wrwallgatedrawbridge01.nif) (Bug #18167)
- Male glass armor had several holes in it. (meshes\armor\glass\m\cuirass_1.nif, meshes\armor\glass\m\cuirass_0.nif) (Bug #12541)
- Weight painting, missing skirts, and missing first person geometry fixed for the male and female ebony armor. (meshes\armor\ebony\m\1stpersoncuirass_0.nif, meshes\armor\ebony\m\1stpersoncuirass_1.nif, meshes\armor\ebony\m\cuirass_0.nif, meshes\armor\ebony\m\cuirass_1.nif, "meshes\armor\ebony\f\cuirass_1.nif, meshes\armor\ebony\f\1stpersoncuirass_0.nif, meshes\armor\ebony\f\1stpersoncuirass_1.nif, meshes\armor\ebony\f\cuirass_0.nif) (Bug #17332)
- Chest clips and waist seam fixed on female blades armor. (meshes\armor\blades\bladesarmorf_1.nif, meshes\armor\blades\bladesarmor_0.nif, meshes\armor\blades\bladesarmor_1.nif, meshes\armor\blades\bladesarmorf_0.nif) (Bug #17079)
- Burial Cairns had incorrectly sized collision. (meshes\clutter\burialcairn\burialcairn01.nif, meshes\clutter\burialcairn\burialcairn02.nif, meshes\clutter\burialcairn\burialcairn03.nif) (Bug #17977)
- Cave pillar with poor collision that blocks objects. (meshes\dungeons\caves\green\pillars\cavegepillar01.nif) (Bug #18034)
- Whiterun Stables had UV errors on top. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrbuildings\wrhousestables01.nif) (Bug #18778)
- Wooden columns at the outer city gate in Solitude lacked collision. (meshes\architecture\solitude\scwgate.nif) (Bug #14494)
- Three rock walls used in several places have stretched UV maps. (meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\rockwall\caveirwallstraight06.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\rockwall\caveirwallstraight03.nif) (Bug #16531)
- Shipwrecks had poor collision making it impossible to activate things placed around the cabin walls. (meshes\dungeons\ship\shipwrecklarge03.nif) (Bug #14273)
- Cave cliff sections with poor UV mapping on the smaller rocks. (meshes\dungeons\caves\green\cliffs\cavegcliffs01.nif) (Bug #16075)
- The destroyed version of the ship's cabin had poor collision blocking access to items lying near it. (meshes\dungeons\ship\shipcaptainsbroken01.nif) (Bug #18121)
- Dwemer pots had odd collision problem causing them to fall through some shelves. (meshes\clutter\dwemer\dwepot01.nif) (Bug #18268)
- Walls in Imperial forts have bad collision blocking access to items. (meshes\dungeons\imperial\clutterkits\implwall02.nif, meshes\dungeons\imperial\clutterkits\implwall01.nif) (Bug #18845)
- One of the large cave wall pieces had bad collision allowing the player to look through the mesh. (meshes\dungeons\caves\green\shafts\cavegshaftwall04.nif) (Bug #17193)
- One of the larger pots found in ruins had poor collision that resulted in floaters. (meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinspot04.nif) (Bug #18884)
- Collision radius adjustments on linen sheets found in ruins. (meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinslinensheet01.nif, meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinslinensheet02.nif) (Bug #18885)
- Nord pots had poor collision, causing floaters. (meshes\clutter\ruins\ruinspot02.nif) (Bug #17733)
- Several floor pieces cloned from the same source also have the same poor collision problems. (meshes\dungeons\dwemer\rubble\dwefloorraised01.nif, meshes\dungeons\dwemer\rubble\dwefloorraised02.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\exterior\nortmpextplatfloorraised01.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\exterior\nortmpextplatfloorraised01stone.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\exterior\nortmpextplatfloorraised02.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\platforms\norplatbgfloorraised01.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\platforms\norplatbgfloorraised02.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\smrooms\norrmsmfloorraised01.nif, meshes\dungeons\nordic\smrooms\norrmsmfloorraised02.nif, meshes\architecture\skyhaventemple\clutter\skyhaventmpextplatfloorraised01.nif, meshes\architecture\skyhaventemple\clutter\skyhaventmpextplatfloorraised02.nif) (Bug #18871)
- The smaller pine snow logs had no sound information in their collision data. (meshes\landscape\trees\treepineforestlogsm01snow.nif) (Bug #18892)
- Cave pillar with collision large enough to stick out and block access to pathways. (meshes\dungeons\caves\green\pillars\cavegepillar06.nif) (Bug #17532)
- Human skulls had some collision refinement done, corrected a bad collision radius, and fixed their Havok materials. Troll skull also had bad Havok materials. (meshes\clutter\bones\trollskull.nif, meshes\clutter\bones\humanskullfull.nif) (Bug #17176)
- Dwemer lanterns had poor collision on them. meshes\dungeons\dwemer\dwefloorlanternonsputter.nif, meshes\dungeons\dwemer\dwefloorlanternon.nif) (Bug #18909)
- Several ice cave tileset pieces had very poor collision which could result in blocking access to certain areas and/or blocking access to objects placed near them. (meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoor01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoor02.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoor03.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoor04.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorb01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorb02.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorb03.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorb04.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorl01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorl02.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorl03.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorl04.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorlb01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorlb02.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorlb03.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrdoorlb04.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrstraight01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrwall01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrwall02.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrwall03.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\shaftrock\caveishaftrwall04.nif) (Bug #18254, Bug # 18079)
- The Falmer fence piece had bad collision which caused floaters when the Dawnguard DLC used it as a table. (meshes\clutter\falmer\falmerfence01.nif) (Bug #14915)
- Static goat pelts had an old form of collision that's no longer properly supported by Skyrim. This caused objects to sink into them. (meshes\clutter\goatskin\goatpeltstatic.nif) (Bug #18919)
- More gaps and floating columns fixed for the Jorrvskr mesh have been fixed. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrbuildings\wrjorvaskr01.nif) (Bug #16474)
- Remaining gaps, seams, and collision issues fixed with two of the large Whiterun terrain meshes. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrshacksbase01.nif, meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrterrain\wrshacksbase02.nif) (Bug #14677)
- Wall decal corrections for Hall of the Dead interior in Whiterun. (meshes\architecture\whiterun\wrinteriors\wrdungeon\wrdunintdoorcustomdoublehigh01.nif) (Bug #15640)
- Minor collision issue fixed for the Solitude lighthouse. (meshes\architecture\solitude\slighthouse01.nif) (Bug #14005)
- Bad collision on one of the ice cave pieces causing floaters. (meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\largehall\caveilhall3way01.nif) (Bug #18921)
- Large cave room corners with bad collsion causing floaters and other problems. (meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\smallroom\caveiroomicorner04.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\smallroom\caveiroomicorner01.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\smallroom\caveiroomicorner02.nif, meshes\dungeons\caves\ice\smallroom\caveiroomicorner03.nif) (Bug #18266)
- Visible holes in the female hide armor have been corrected. (meshes\armor\hide\f\cuirasslight_1.nif, meshes\armor\hide\f\cuirasslight_0.nif) (Bug #14667)
- Cliff mesh which blocks access to items placed near it due to bad collision. (meshes\landscape\rocks\rockcliff07.nif) (Bug #18902)
- Dwemer rug mesh had a large visible hole even when a reference to it was set to an alpha cutoff of 0. (meshes\clutter\dwemer\dwerunner05.nif)
- The orc's face on the loading screen with an orc has no specular map, resulting in the face being overly bright. (meshes\loadscreenart\loadscreenmaleorc_1.nif) (Bug #18994)
Quest Fixes
- When The Break of Dawn (DA09) runs scenes at Kikreath, it is possible for the two Meridia speeches to overlap each other. A delay has been inserted into the trigger script to prevent this from happening. (Bug #18711)
- During The Taste of Death (DA11) if Eola is told to wait outside Reachcliff Cave, she will continually forcegreet. This is due to a missing stage to block this from happening. (Bug #18842)
- Stormcloak Prisoners being escorted by Imperials were engaging in combat with the player if the soldiers were attacked. The prisoner now has a combat override package list assigned that should prevent them from engaging at all. (Bug #16762)
- Narfi's responses when returning Reyda's necklace in The Straw that Broke (FreeformIvarstead02) are all thrown together in a nonsense fashion and had to be relinked in the proper setup. This in turn necessitated copying 4 audio files because the dialogue system is a [censored]. (sound\voice\Skyrim.esm\maledrunk\FreeformIv_USKPFreeformIva_000D9B5C_1.fuz, sound\voice\Skyrim.esm\maledrunk\FreeformIv_USKPFreeformIva_000D9B5C_2.fuz, sound\voice\Skyrim.esm\maledrunk\FreeformIv_USKPFreeformIva_000D9B61_1.fuz, sound\voice\Skyrim.esm\maledrunk\FreeformIv_USKPFreeformIva_000D9B61_2.fuz) (Bug #18540)
- WIAddItem03: It should no longer be possible for dead, sleeping, or non-unique NPCs to hire thugs to come after you for stealing items from them. These changes will also prevent generic wilderness NPCs such as Forsworn and bandits from hiring thugs as well, which makes no sense at all. (Bug #17867)
- WICastMagic04: The player should no longer get a "letter from a friend" when not in an inhabited area where it would make no sense to have even been seen doing it, much less by someone friendly to the player. (Bug #17867)
- WICastMagic01: It should no longer be possible for the "invisible child" encounter to trigger if the player has not been detected, they are trespassing, or in combat. (Bug #17867)
- Two of the College students could not trigger the suspension quest if they were killed due to being marked as reserved aliases. Since the reservations are in a quest that can't be fixed, the alias in MGSuspensionQuest that holds the victim will be marked to allow reserved actors. (Bug #18972)
- The Emperors Tower in Solitude is not properly locked out prior to To Kill an Empire (DB09) which can lead to breaking some of the triggers inside. (Bug #18997)
Race Fixes
- Khajiit vampires were using an incorrect value for the left sided mounted combat angle (90 instead of -90). This error was introduced in an official patch to the game. (Bug #18906)
- Imperial males, Redguard females, and both of their vampire counterparts were missing 22 of the 24 available warpaint options that all other races get. (Bug #18956)
Script Fixes
- FavorChangeLocationQuestScript: Inserted a check to make sure the quest is still running, and if not, shut down the update timer. (Bug #18870)
- C01AmbushSpaceEntranceTrigger: No check to make sure the quest was running before calling functions to manipulate aliases in it. (Bug #18961)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- Fort Sungard Muster had a pair of fish racks set up to hold weapons, plus some shields stuck to the walls. All of these objects could easily be knocked down from various causes and turn the entire arrangement into a big mess. Some invisible weapon and shield racks have been created to resolve this and keep the items from being knocked around needlessly. (meshes\uskp\clutter\weaponrack\wrplaqueshield01_invis.nif, meshes\uskp\clutter\weaponrack\wrsingle01_invis.nif) (Bug #18953)
- 0009E57A: Gate behind Riftweald Manor that was not flagged with the correct lock level. (Bug #19015)
- 000F645B, 000F645C, 000DFF3F, 000DFF40, 000DFF41, 00056DC3, 00096C45: Skulls that required adjustments after the mesh fixes were done. (Bug #17176)
- 000ed2cb: Silver Hand NPC attached to the wrong enable parent in Gallows Rock.
- 000636C9: Pack of steel arrows sinking into the table due to corrupted Havok ragdoll data. (Bug #18195)
- 000F5972, 000F5973, 000F597C, 000F597D : snow decals disabled. 00044784 : base object switched from ImpExtIceStairs01_NoIce to ImpExtIceStairs. 00044785 : base object switched from ImpExtWall01 to ImpExtIceWall01. z-fighting fix from leftovers after Bethesda switched Fort Fellhammer to ice tilesets. (Bug #18886)
- 000844A3, 000844A4, 000844A5, 0008493B, 0008493C, 0008493D: Creature spawn points that are placed slightly below the ground potentially causing them to spawn far away from where they should such as in towns. (Bug #17351)
- 0001424C, 0001437C, 0001A46A, 0001A46B, 0001A46C, 000233C6, 000233C7, 0002C9AC, 0002CEEA, 0002DE7A, 0002EEDB, 0002F809, 00036384, 00036385, 000397A6, 0003BFC8, 0003BFC9, 0003BFCB, 0003BFCD, 0003BFCE, 0003BFCF, 0003C01F, 0003C020, 0003C021, 0003C022, 0003C025, 0003C026, 0003C027, 0003C02F, 0003C030, 0003C033, 0003C034, 0003C035, 0003C088, 0003C089, 0003C09C, 0003C09D, 0003E74A, 0003E74C, 0003E74D, 0003E74E, 000413A6, 000413A7, 000413A8, 000413A9, 000414B5, 0004155B, 00042D3A, 00042D3B, 00042D3C, 00042D69, 00042D6A, 00042D6B, 00042D6C, 000434C4, 000434C5, 000434C6, 00043E52, 00043E54, 00045348, 00045349, 00045E16, 00045E50, 00045E51, 00045E52, 00045E66, 00045E6B, 00045EB1, 00045EB7, 00045EF5, 00045EF6, 00045EF7, 00047200, 00047E29, 00047E2A, 00047E2B, 00047E6B, 00047E6C, 00047E6D, 00047E8B, 00047E8C, 00047E8D, 00047EEA, 00047EEB, 00047EEC, 00047EED, 00047F3C, 00047F40, 00047F42, 00047F43, 00047F45, 00047F50, 00047F53, 00047F54, 00047F57, 00047FCF, 00049A9D, 00049AA6, 00049AA9, 0004A121, 0004A122, 0004A12F, 0004A131, 0004C17A, 0004C622, 0004C623, 0004C625, 0004C626, 0004C627, 0004C62F, 0004DB58, 0004DB59, 0004DB63, 0004F167, 0004F168, 0004F16A, 0005B71E, 0005CCA0, 00064711, 00064712, 00064748, 00066AC5, 0006A624, 0006A62E, 0006A62F, 0006A630, 0006A647, 0006A862, 0006AB5F, 0006AB62, 0006B12F, 00071E2C, 0007C0D1, 00081297, 0008310C, 000858FC, 00085904, 00085905, 000860EC, 0008612E, 00086131, 00089ECC, 00089ECD, 00089ECE, 00089ECF, 00089ED0, 00089ED1, 00089ED2, 00089ED3, 00089ED4, 00089ED5, 00089ED6, 00089ED7, 00089ED8, 00089ED9, 00089EDA, 0008F872, 0008F873, 0008F874, 0008F875, 0008F876, 00092020, 000950B4, 00095FC6, 00096BDA, 00096BDB, 0009A1DD, 0009A1E1, 0009B6AD, 0009B70D, 0009B712, 0009CAC9, 0009CACD, 0009CACE, 0009CAF6, 0009CAF7, 0009CB51, 0009CB5E, 0009CC7C, 000A526D, 000A526E, 000A526F, 000A52D5, 000A535C, 000A535E, 000A535F, 000A5360, 000A5362, 000A5371, 000A5372, 000A5373, 000A5374, 000A5375, 000A5376, 000A5378, 000A537B, 000A537C, 000A537D, 000A5380, 000A540C, 000A6680, 000A6681, 000A66B0, 000A66B1, 000A66B3, 000A66B4, 000A66B5, 000A66B6, 000A670E, 000A670F, 000A67B5, 000A67B6, 000A67B7, 000A67B8, 000A67BA, 000A67BB, 000A67BE, 000A67D3, 000A67D4, 000A67D5, 000A67D6, 000A67D7, 000A67D7, 000A67E4, 000A67EA, 000A67EB, 000A6812, 000A6813, 000A6814, 000A6815, 000A6816, 000A6817, 000A6818, 000A6819, 000A681A, 000A681B, 000A681C, 000A681D, 000A681E, 000A681F, 000A6EE3, 000A6F0B, 000A6F0C, 000A6F0D, 000A81B0, 000A81B6, 000A81BC, 000A81BE, 000A81D4, 000A81D5, 000A81D8, 000A81D9, 000A81E9, 000AAD62, 000AAD63, 000AAD64, 000AAD66, 000AAD67, 000AAD71, 000AAD72, 000B095F, 000B4303, 000B4304, 000B4305, 000B4306, 000B430A, 000B430B, 000B430C, 000B430D, 000B430E, 000B430F, 000B4310, 000B4311, 000B434A, 000B434C, 000B434D, 000B434E, 000B434F, 000B4350, 000B4351, 000B43A5, 000B43A6, 000B43A7, 000B43AA, 000B43AB, 000B43B8, 000B4454, 000B4456, 000B4462, 000B4463, 000B4465, 000B4469, 000B446A, 000B4476, 000B447C, 000B4480, 000B4481, 000B4FDD, 000B52C1, 000B52C2, 000B52C3, 000B52C5, 000B52C7, 000B52C8, 000B52C9, 000B52CA, 000B52D9, 000B52DA, 000B52EA, 000B52F6, 000B530C, 000B530E, 000B530F, 000B53C2, 000B53C6, 000B53CA, 000B53CE, 000B53D6, 000B53D7, 000B6183, 000B6184, 000B68BA, 000B68BD, 000B8BAB, 000B9006, 000B8BB4, 000B8BB5, 000B8BB6, 000B8BB7, 000B8F72, 000B8F73, 000B8F92, 000B8F95, 000BD94C, 000BD9DF, 000C08E7, 000C08E8, 000C08E9, 000C08EB, 000C1B98, 000C1B99, 000C1B9A, 000C276D, 000C340C, 000C3509, 000C4910, 000C4911, 000C4912, 000C4913, 000C4914, 000C4915, 000C4916, 000C4917, 000C4918, 000C4919, 000C491A, 000C491B, 000C4C6E, 000C4C6F, 000C4C7B, 000C4C7D, 000C4C7E, 000C4C80, 000C4C84, 000C4C85, 000C4C86, 000C4CA1, 000C4CA2, 000C4CA3, 000C5E38, 000C5E39, 000C5E3A, 000C5E3B, 000C5EA6, 000C5EA7, 000C5EA8, 000C6775, 000C6776, 000C6777, 000C6DC7, 000C6DC8, 000C7E72, 000C7E73, 000C7E74, 000C7EC7, 000C7EC8, 000C7EC9, 000C7ECA, 000C7ECB, 000C7ECC, 000C7ECD, 000C7ECE, 000C7ED8, 000C7ED9, 000C7EDA, 000C7EDB, 000C7EDC, 000C7EDD, 000C86D1, 000C86D2, 000C86E9, 000C8BD5, 000C8BD6, 000C8BDC, 000C8BDD, 000C8BDE, 000C8C3A, 000C8C3B, 000C8C3C, 000C8C44, 000C8C45, 000C9C41, 000C9C42, 000C9C43, 000C9C6F, 000C9C71, 000C9C72, 000C9C8A, 000C9C8C, 000C9C99, 000C9C9A, 000C9EF1, 000CA181, 000CA182, 000CA183, 000CA184, 000CA185, 000CA186, 000CA190, 000CA1A2, 000CA1A3, 000CA1AC, 000CA1AD, 000CA1AE, 000CAC4D, 000CB1F5, 000CE07E, 000CE080, 000CE08B, 000CE423, 000CE424, 000CED09, 000D01FE, 000D0201, 000D0202, 000D0203, 000D0204, 000D0205, 000D0206, 000D0217, 000D0218, 000D0219, 000D021C, 000D0256, 000D0257, 000D0258, 000D0270, 000D0271, 000D03E2, 000D03E3, 000D0420, 000D17CF, 000D17F1, 000D17F2, 000D20FC, 000D21A1, 000D21A2, 000D21A3, 000D21E8, 000D21EB, 000D21EC, 000D2282, 000D2283, 000D2297, 000D22A5, 000D22A6, 000D22A7, 000D22A8, 000D22A9, 000D22AB, 000D22AC, 000D22AD, 000D31DE, 000D320E, 000D320F, 000D3216, 000D321B, 000D322A, 000D322B, 000D322D, 000D322E, 000D322F, 000D3230, 000D3234, 000D3235, 000D3243, 000D329A, 000D3276, 000D3277, 000D3278, 000D3279, 000D3287, 000D3288, 000D3289, 000D329F, 000D54E1, 000D9164, 000DDEBF, 000DE563, 000E1D5F, 000E30C0, 000E31AB, 000E31AF, 000E326D, 000E3358, 000E335C, 000E4392, 000E4393, 000E4413, 000E4414, 000E4415, 000E441A, 000E441B, 000E441D, 000E4421, 000E4422, 000E4423, 000E4424, 000E4432, 000E4434, 000E4436, 000E4437, 000E4438, 000E445B, 000E445C, 000E445E, 000E446B, 000E447C, 000E44B5, 000E4945, 000E494E, 000E4950, 000E4965, 000E4966, 000E4975, 000E498B, 000E499B, 000E499C, 000E6AF6, 000E6B35, 000E6B9D, 000E6B9F, 000E7238, 000E7D56, 000E7D57, 000E7DB8, 000E8B55, 000E8B57, 000E96C4, 000EA3EF, 000ED229, 000ED22C, 000ED22D, 000ED23D, 000EDBC0, 000EDCE0, 000EDCE1, 000EDE49, 000EDE4A, 000EDE53, 000EDEE8, 000F1DA0, 000F1DA1, 000F1DC3, 000F1DC4, 000F1DC5, 000F1DC6, 000F1DC7, 000F1DC8, 000F1DC9, 000F1DCA, 000F1E11, 000F1E14, 000F393F, 000F7088, 000F7092, 000F7808, 000F781B, 001083EF, 001083F0, 001083F6, 00108402, 000C4C7C, 000CC721, 000CC724, 000CDFF0, 000CDFF1, 000EB53A, 000EB53B: Misplaced tree thickets. (Bug #18743)
- 00013CCA, 00013CED, 0001F238, 00029E34, 0002C568, 0002CEEC, 0002E464, 000304D6, 00031146, 00036386, 00036387, 00036388, 00036389, 0003638E, 0003638F, 00036391, 00036393, 00036395, 000371B3, 0003848B, 00039600, 00039601, 00039889, 0003BFC6, 0003BFD5, 0003BFD7, 0003C02A, 0003C02B, 0003C02E, 0003C08A, 0003C08F, 0003C016, 0003C018, 0003C032, 0003C0F3, 000413A5, 00042D4E, 00042D4F, 00042D5C, 0004393B, 0004393C, 00043E36, 00045DA5, 000478D6, 000478DA, 000478DB, 00047E63, 00047F1C, 00047F21, 00047F2E, 00047F35, 00047F36, 00047F37, 00047F3B, 00047F3D, 00047F41, 00047F46, 00047F47, 00047F48, 00047FB5, 00048318, 00048319, 00048325, 00048327, 00048329, 0004831B, 0004831C, 0004831D, 0004833B, 0004A1F4, 0004F14C, 00049462, 0005389F, 00054C76, 00055580, 00055583, 000556A9, 000556AB, 000556AC, 000556B6, 0005C62E, 0005C631, 0005D6CB, 0005D6CC, 0005FED9, 0006470E, 0006A171, 0006A81C, 0006A8F0, 0006CC70, 00071E7C, 00071E7D, 000753E5, 000753E6, 0007A642, 00088B0D, 00088F09, 00088F0B, 0008915C, 00089EDC, 00089EEF, 00089EF0, 0008E280, 0008F85C, 0008F85E, 0008F860, 0008F863, 0008F86B, 00096231, 00096232, 00096233, 0009A1A8, 0009A1AD, 0009A1B0, 0009A1B1, 0009A1B7, 0009A1C7, 0009A1D2, 0009A1D8, 0009A213, 0009A214, 0009A21C, 0009A246, 0009B5F2, 0009B612, 0009B615, 0009B616, 0009B617, 0009B618, 0009B619, 0009B61A, 0009B61B, 0009B6BC, 0009B726, 0009B728, 0009B72B, 0009B731, 0009EDE1, 000A0849, 000A51C4, 000A5225, 000A5226, 000A5227, 000A53F9, 000A5402, 000A5403, 000A66A7, 000A66A8, 000A66A9, 000A66AA, 000A66AB, 000A66AD, 000A66AE, 000A66AF, 000A67CE, 000A67D0, 000A67D2, 000A6824, 000A6825, 000A6836, 000A81C3, 000A81C4, 000A81E6, 000A81E7, 000AAD6A, 000AB845, 000AEE8F, 000AEE90, 000AF108, 000AF109, 000AF11D, 000AF11E, 000AF11F, 000AF120, 000AF98E, 000AF995, 000AFB06, 000AFB16, 000B0BFB, 000B0C90, 000B4313, 000B4FF6, 000B53DE, 000B53DF, 000B53E0, 000B53E1, 000B53E3, 000B53F3, 000B53FA, 000B8B10, 000B8BC5, 000B8BC6, 000B8BC7, 000C491C, 000C491E, 000C491F, 000C4921, 000C5E75, 000C5EA3, 000C5EAD, 000C5EB0, 000C86D4, 000C86D6, 000C86EA, 000C86EC, 000C86ED, 000C86EE, 000C86EF, 000C86F0, 000C8BB8, 000C9C60, 000C9C61, 000C9C81, 000C9C82, 000C9C83, 000C9C87, 000CA1A9, 000CA1B9, 000CE408, 000CED0B, 000CED0E, 000D0284, 000D028C, 000D210A, 000D21E4, 000D21E6, 000D2280, 000D22C0, 000D3217, 000D3218, 000D3FFD, 000D4001, 000DE53C, 000E43DC, 000E43EA, 000E43ED, 000E43F9, 000E4420, 000E443B, 000E443C, 000E44AF, 000E44B0, 000E4953, 000E4993, 000E6B0F, 000E8DE3, 000ED227, 000EE1A6, 000F708A, 0002D2F1, 00045A5A, 000C68FA, 000EB53D: Misplaced bushes and shrubs. (Bug #18824)
- 00012DF7, 00012DF8, 00012DFC, 00013092, 00013093, 00013094, 00013096, 00013097, 00013098, 000176CE, 000176CF, 000176D0, 000176D5, 000176D5, 000176DC, 000176DD, 00019064, 00019073, 0001AD6D, 0001C0C6, 0001C0C7, 0001C0C8, 0001C0C9, 0001C0CA, 0001C0CB, 00019074, 0001F228, 0001F229, 0001F22B, 0001F22F, 0001F230, 0001F803, 00029533, 0002ACE9, 0002ACEA, 0002AD11, 0002AD9C, 0002DE80, 0002DE81, 00034EE1, 0003714B, 0003714C, 0003714D, 0003975D, 000414F4, 00041506, 0004935E, 0004935F, 00049360, 00049361, 00049363, 0004D7D1, 0004D7D2, 00050C69, 00051586, 0005384C, 0005384D, 00054A2E, 00054A2F, 00054A44, 00054A45, 00054A46, 00054A47, 000627F2, 000627F3, 000627F7, 00068207, 00068208, 0006820A, 00068211, 0006EA9A, 0006EA9B, 0006EA9C, 0006EA9D, 0006EACD, 0006EACE, 0006EACF, 0006EAD6, 0006EB4F, 0006EB50, 000778A7, 000778F3, 00077905, 00077907, 000778FC, 0007794F, 0007F83C, 0007F83D, 0007F83E, 0007F83F, 0007F840, 0007F868, 000876F6, 000876F8, 00087709, 0008770A, 0008770C, 000A88EF, 000A88F0, 000A88F1, 000A88F2, 000A898E, 000A898F, 000A8995, 000A8A95, 000A8A96, 000A8A97, 000A8A98, 000A8AA5, 000A8AA6, 000A8AA7, 000A8AA8, 000A8AA9, 000A8AAA, 000A8AAB, 000A2910, 000A2913, 000A4ABC, 000A9F60, 000A9DC3, 000A9EED, 000A9EF7, 000A9EF8, 000A9EFA, 000A9EFB, 000A9EFD, 000B0133, 000B0134, 000B0135, 000B11B3, 000B11B4, 000B11B5, 000B11B6, 000B11B7, 000B11BB, 000B36ED, 000B36EE, 000B36EF, 000B393C, 000B393D, 000B393E, 000B393F, 000B3940, 000B3FB7, 000B3FBA, 000B76EE, 000B76EF, 000B76FF, 000B7701, 000B7702, 000B771C, 000B771D, 000B771E, 000B771F, 000B7720, 000B7721, 000B8B00, 000B8B02, 000B8B05, 000C0434, 000C0437, 000C0441, 000C0445, 000C0446, 000C0447, 000C0456, 000C0459, 000C0467, 000C0471, 000C072D, 000C072E, 000C072F, 000C0730, 000C0732, 000C0799, 000C079A, 000C07A9, 000C07AA, 000C34BA, 000C34BB, 000C34BC, 000C4C66, 000C4C72, 000C4C8A, 000C4C92, 000C4C93, 000C4C94, 000C8E53, 000C8E54, 000C8E55, 000C8E56, 000C8E57, 000C8E58, 000C8E66, 000C8E6A, 000D3A4F, 000D3A50, 000D3A51, 000D3A52, 000D3A53, 000D3B8D, 000D3B8E, 000D3B96, 000D3BBB, 000D3BBC, 000D3BBD, 000D3BBE, 000D5F7F, 000D5F80, 000D5F81, 000D5F82, 000D5F83, 000D5F84, 000D5F85, 000D5F86, 000D5F87, 000D5FE6, 000D5FE7, 000D5FE8, 000D5FE9, 000D5FEA, 000D5FEB, 000D5FEC, 000D5FED, 000D5FEE, 000D5FEF, 000D6002, 000D6003, 000D6004, 000D6005, 000D600A, 000D600B, 000D693E, 000D693F, 000D6941, 000D6942, 000D6943, 000D6944, 000D6945, 000D6946, 000D6958, 000D6959, 000DAEFB, 000DAEFC, 000DAF16, 000DAF19, 000DAF3A, 000DAF3B, 000DAF3C, 000DB488, 000DC423, 000DC439, 000DC43E, 000DC43F, 000DC440, 000DC441, 000DC442, 000DC447, 000DC448, 000DC449, 000E7678, 000E7679, 000E7668, 000E7669, 000E7672, 000E7673, 000E8E64, 000E8E66, 000E8E67, 000E8E68, 000E8E6C, 000E8E6D, 000E8E6E, 000EB529, 000EB543, 000EB544, 000EB546, 000EB822, 000EB823, 000EB824, 000ED15F, 000ED160, 000F18D6, 000F195E, 000F195F, 000F1960, 000F1968, 000F1969, 000F1E9A, 000F1E9B, 000F196D, 000F1E9C, 000F2ACA, 000F2ACB, 000F48C3, 000F48CF, 000F58C5, 000F58C6, 000F58C7, 000F58C8, 000F58C9, 000F58CA, 000F58D0, 000F58DD, 000F58DE, 000F58DF, 000F58E2, 000F5D39, 000F5D3A, 000F5D5B, 000F5D62, 000F5D63, 000F5D64, 000F5D65, 000F5D66, 000F6552, 000F6553, 000F69DD, 000F69DE, 000F69DF, 000F69E0, 000F69E2, 000F69E3, 000F69E4, 000F69E5, 000F69E6, 000F69E7, 000F81BF, 000F933C, 000F933D, 000F933E, 000FE1F7, 000FEE0E, 001033BB, 001033BC, 001033BD, 001033BE, 001033BF, 001033C7, 001033C8, 001033C9, 001033CC, 001033CD, 001033D2, 00106726, 00106727, 00106728, 00106747, 00106748, 00106C30, 00106C40, 00106C41, 00108588, 0010858B, 0010B13A, 0010B13C, 0010B13D, 0010B13E, 0010B145, 0010B146, 0010B1B5, 0010B1B6, 0010B1B7, 0010B1B8, 0010B1B9, 0010B1BA, 0010C76A, 0010C76B, 0010C76F, 0010C770, 0010C771, 0010CD77, 0010CD78, 0010CD79, 0010CD7A, 0010CD80, 0010CD81, 0010D3F1, 0010FC73: References with missing ownership settings. (Bug #19003, Bug #19000, Bug #18998, Bug #18996, Bug #18995, Bug #18992, Bug #18991, Bug #18988, Bug #18987, Bug #18986, Bug #18985, Bug #18981, Bug #18980, Bug #18976, Bug #18973, Bug #18971)
- 000F3F18: Chandelier with no rod replaced with type with a rod, and moved upwards so it is connected to the ceiling. (Bug #18825)
- 0007F83B, 0007F841, 0007F866, 0007F867: The Honningbrew Mead barrels outside of the meadery were not being changed to Black-Briar Mead barrels after completing TG03. Added proper enable parents to the existing barrels as well as the created replacement barrels [Ref 0200284C, 0200284D, 0200284E, 0200284F]. The barrels were also missing their ownership settings. (Bug #18826)
- 000C8E60: Wheat plant placed below the ground. (Bug #18828)
- 000D8D32: Floating gourd cluster. (Bug #18829)
- 000971D1, 000B44D3, 000CA195, 000CA196: Misplaced mountain flower plants. (Bug #18830)
- 02003314, 02003314: Rocks created to cover up gaps underneath two rock cliffs [Ref 0009717B, 0009717D]. (Bug #18831)
- 02003316: Small rock added to cover up a protruding section of a rock cliff [Ref 0009887D]. (Bug #18832)
- 02003317: Rock added to cover up a section of a dirt cliff [Ref 00095995] that was protruding out of a mountain cliff. (Bug #18833)
- 000D33F6: Relocated slaughterfish egg nest that was too far away from the water. (Bug #18834)
- 0005C630: Large rock that is floating on one end. (Bug #18835)
- 00018222, 00038493, 0009A195, 0009A19A, 0009B62A, 0009B632, 000A6729, 000A672A, 000A6732, 000A67D9, 000A67DC, 000AABF1, 000AAD46, 000D023B: Floating sword fern plants. (Bug #18836)
- 00078EBB, 0008F851, 0009A1F8, 0009A1FA, 0009A201, 0009A206, 000A530A, 000A66EB: Misplaced aspen trees. (Bug #18837)
- 000B5379, 000DDEB2: Stump with Scaly Pholiota mushrooms buried beneath the ground. (Bug #18839)
- 00051531, 0005C4BE: Misplaced bedrolls. (Bug #18950, Bug #18840)
- 0005C4CC, 00080B3F, 00086A32, 00086E9C, 000D1F13, 0010370C: Misplaced buckets. (Bug #18949, Bug #18897, Bug #18894, Bug #18840)
- 00031398: Iron dagger placed in thin air instead of on an altar. (Bug #18844)
- 0005C5F6, 0005C5F7, 0005C5F8, 0005C5F9, 0005C5FA, 0005C5FB, 0005C5FC, 0005C5FD, 0005C5FF, 0008B4C1: Beds that are using the wrong model for the position that they are placed in. (Bug #18846)
- 000CAA8A, 000CAA8B, 000CAA8C, 000CAA8D, 000CAA8E, 000CAA8F, 000CAA92, 000CAA96: Armor pieces that are misplaced on a shelf. (Bug #18847)
- 0005B8D6, 0005B8D8: Tables in Fort Greenwall replaced with table and bench combinations since the markers on the existing benches were facing the wrong direction. Disabled the original benches [Ref 0005B8E4, 0005B8E5, 0005B8E6]. (Bug #18848)
- 000714D2, 00071507: Misplaced wooden plates. (Bug #18849)
- 000714D2, 000714D3, 00071581: Mead barrels using too large of a scale to fit properly on shelves. (Bug #18849)
- 000714FE, 00071501: Misplaced cooked salmon pieces. (Bug #18882, Bug #18849)
- 00071502: Misplaced elves ear. (Bug #18849)
- 00071505, 00071506: Misplaced leeks. (Bug #18849)
- 00071512: Floating knife. (Bug #18849)
- 00039BB8, 00071585, 0008AA7D, 000A3427, 000F843B: Misplaced tankards. (Bug #18967, Bug #18950, Bug #18858, Bug #18849)
- 0008A49E, 0008AA70: Misplaced wooden bowls. (Bug #18950, Bug #18849)
- 0008A4B5: Cart imbedded in floor. (Bug #18849)
- 0008A47E, 0008A47F, 0008A481, 0008A4CA: Misplaced pitchforks. (Bug #18849)
- 0008A936: Rock warbler egg not staying put on a counter. Added a wooden bowl [Ref 020058C6] to hold it in place. (Bug #18849)
- 00048E2A, 00092F50, 000E7894: Misplaced potions. (Bug #18968, Bug #18890, Bug #18849)
- 000CC3E0, 000E78BD, 000E7935, 000E7936, 000E78BC: Objects that are missing their enable parent settings. (Bug #18850)
- 000516F1, 000516F4, 000516F6, 000516F9, 000516FA, 000516FB, 0005B8DE, 0005B8DF, 0005B8E0, 0005B8E1, 0005B8E2, 0005B8E3, 0005B8E7, 00071574: Chairs that are placed too close to tables. (Bug #18950, Bug #18851)
- 000E787E, 000E787F, 000E7881, 000E7882, 000E7883, 000E7884, 000E7885: Collision markers adjusted underneath chairs. (Bug #18851)
- 000CC3DD, 000CC3DE: Books clipping with map markers. (Bug #18852)
- 000EB235: Arrows clipping with a rock. (Bug #18855)
- 0007F366, 00080B53, 00086E9E, 0008CA1D, 000CB8D6: Misplaced baskets. (Bug #18960, Bug #18950, Bug #18897, Bug #18856)
- 0009A3BB, 000F4746: Missing ownership on objects belonging to the East Empire Company. (Bug #18857)
- 000770EB: Misplaced nightstand. (Bug #18859)
- 000C9C4A, 000C9C4B, 000D2281, 000D323E, 000D32D1, 000E44B2: Misplaced lavender plants. (Bug #18860)
- 00043E4E, 00043E4F, 00043E50, 00045E54, 00045E55, 00045E56, 00045E57, 00045E61, 00045E7F, 000C4C88, 000D22B9, 000D22BA, 000E4465, 000E6C18: Floating tundra cotton plants. (Bug #18861)
- 0200C476, 0200C477: Rocks added to cover up a protruding mountain cliff piece [Ref 0008350A] and a small gap in the side of a cave wall [Ref 0004BEC9]. (Bug #18865)
- 0003713E, 000E809D: Missing ownership on objects belonging to vendors in the Whiterun market. (Bug #18869)
- 0003E69B, 000538A3, 000538A4: Snowberry bushes using the wrong texture for the climate. (Bug #18873)
- 0001A46A, 0001A46B, 0001A46C, 0002C568, 0006A82C, 000705D3, 000A51C4, 000A5225, 000A5226, 000A5227, 000C08E7, 000C08E8, 000C491C, 000C491D, 000C491E, 000C491F, 000C4920, 000C4921, 000C4922, 000C6775, 000C6776, 000C6777, 000C7EC7, 000C7EC8, 000C7EC9, 000C7ECA, 000C7ECB, 000C7ECC, 000C7ECD, 000C86D3, 000C86D4, 000C86D6, 000C86DB, 000C86E8, 000C86EA, 000C86EB, 000C86EC, 000C86ED, 000C86EE, 000C86EF, 000C86F0, 000C8BD3, 000C8BD4, 000C8BD5, 000C8BD6, 000C8BDB, 000C8BDC, 000E4953, 000ED1C5, 000ED1C6, 000ED20F, 000ED22A, 000ED22C, 000ED22D, 000ED232, 000ED23C, 000ED23D, 000ED23E, 000EDDEA, 000EDDEB, 000EDDEC, 000EDEE6, 000EDEE7, 000EDEE8, 00077E8B, 00077E8C, 00077E8E, 00077E8F, 00077E94, 000F3945, 000F3946, 000F3947, 000F3948, 000F3949, 000F394A, 000F394B: Thickets and shrubs using the wrong texture for the climate. (Bug #18874)
- 00044546, 00044547, 0006BAD2: Slightly lowered a rock cliff, a rock pile, and a large rock that were protruding out of the ground. (Bug #18875)
- 00055BC6: Misplaced lantern. (Bug #18877)
- 00055EEE: Blisterwort mushroom that is very difficult to harvest due to poor placement. (Bug #18877)
- 0200D49E: Rock added to cover up a gap underneath a mountain cliff slope [Ref 000967CD]. (Bug #18878)
- 00081F41, 00081F42, 0008222C, 0008222E, 000846F6, 000846F7, 000846F9, 000846FA, 000992D8, 0009B0BC, 0009B0BD, 0009B0DD, 000D1914, 000D1915, 000DC553, 000DC555, 000DC5AA, 000DC5AE, 000DC5AF, 000DC5B8, 000DC5B9, 000DC8E6, 000DDDE6, 000DDDE7, 000F46F7, 001059A0, 001059A1, 001059A2, 001059B1, 00023C67, 0010835E: Animal spawn points placed partially below the ground. (Bug #18880)
- 00014017: Misplaced canis root plant. (Bug #18881)
- 000D46CB, 000D46CB, 000D47B8, 000D47B9: Misplaced glazed plates. (Bug #18882)
- 000D47D9: Misplaced honey nut treat. (Bug #18882)
- 000BD7FB, 000BD9DD, 000E49A1, 000E969F, 000EAD74: Misplaced snowberry bushes. (Bug #18883)
- 000485AB, 00059EA5, 000625D3, 0006277F, 0006278E, 0006396B, 0006396C, 0007D73B, 00085A6A, 000A9EC4, 000AD84D, 000AD862, 000B1F1D, 000D0606, 000D0607, 000D7342, 000D87A8, 000DE0AB, 000DE0AC, 000DE0AC, 000F0008, 000F0020, 000F0022, 000F4BBB, 000F4BBD, 0010DD5D: Misplaced pots. (Bug #18888)
- 000A9ED7: Misplaced coin purse. (Bug #18889)
- 000ADB76: Floating helmet. (Bug #18889)
- 000F0070: Clipping knapsack. (Bug #18891)
- 00080B06: Misplaced greatsword. (Bug #18897)
- 00086EA9: Misplaced gauntlets. (Bug #18897)
- 00052ABB: Floating hanging moss. (Bug #18913)
- 02013591, 02013594, 02013595: Dirt mound and rocks created to cover up a gap below a door [Ref 0001B156]. (Bug #18914)
- 02013AF8, 02013AF9: Rocks added to cover up an exposed section of a rock cliff [Ref 0005D8EB]. (Bug #18915)
- 02013AFA: Large rock added to cover up a gap in a rock cliff [Ref 000DB7D6]. (Bug #18916)
- 0009A73E, 0009A9CF, 0009A9D1: Floating driftwood pieces. (Bug #18917)
- 000AADEC: Tanning rack clipping with building. (Bug #18918)
- 0006482A: Hanging rabbit clipping through tent. (Bug #18922)
- 0006481C: Spawn point for frost troll placed too high above the ground. (Bug #18923)
- 020160A9: Snow drift added to cover up a protruding stone piece [Ref 0001CF9D]. (Bug #18927)
- 000CEF16: Chest in Harbinger's bedroom replaced with non-respawning chest. (Bug #18931)
- 00037F4D: Kettle clipping with shrub. (Bug #18935)
- 02017638: Rock added to cover up a hole in part of a cave entrance [Ref 0007B9FC]. (Bug #18936)
- 02017639: Rock added to cover up a gap underneath a rock pile [Ref 000555F0]. (Bug #18937)
- 000C5EC9: Floating pine tree. (Bug #18938)
- 0201763A: Rock created to cover up a gap in a mountain cliff slope [Ref 0006E23C]. (Bug #18939)
- 000EE9B2: Horse hide clipping through table. (Bug #18940)
- 000EEAC7: Cauldron clipping with wall. (Bug #18940)
- 000EAD97: Floating snow drift. (Bug #18941)
- 0010371D, 0010371E, 0010372B, 0010372C, 0010372D: Misplaced cast iron pots containing food. (Bug #18949)
- 00051B31: Floating hay mound. (Bug #18950)
- 0008C915: Misplaced mace. (Bug #18950)
- 0008C916: Misplaced shield. (Bug #18950)
- 0008C99B, 000E5FC3: Misplaced chests. (Bug #18950)
- 000714B4, 000714B5, 0008AB0D, 0008AB0E, 0008AB2A, 0008AB2B, 0008AB2C, 0008AB2D, 0008C90B, 0008C90C, 0008C90D, 0008C90F, 0008C910, 0008C9A4, 0008C9A6, 0008CA24, 0008CA25, 000E5FB6, 000E5FB7: Items and objects in Fort Greymoor not properly tied to enable parent markers. (Bug #18951)
- 0003783F, 00037883, 00037891: Tables in Fort Sungard Muster replaced with table and bench combinations since the markers on the existing benches were facing the wrong direction. Disabled the original benches [Ref 00037843, 00037844, 00037882, 00037884, 00037885, 0003789B]. (Bug #18952)
- 0201D71F, 0201D720: Rocks added to hide a gap underneath a rock pile [Ref 000C4C62]. (Bug #18959)
- 00107851, 00107853, 00107855, 00107856, 00107857: Floating nightshade plants. (Bug #18962)
- 000C0925, 000CA19E, 000CA19F: Branch piles completely buried beneath the ground. (Bug #18963)
- 000DC5A0, 000DC5A1, 000DC5A2: Floating animal spawn points. (Bug #18964)
- 020268D9: Rock added to cover up a hole in a rock cliff [Ref 0004DBCB]. (Bug #18966)
- 00056B37: Table clipping with wall. (Bug #18968)
- 0008A6F9: Shovel clipping into floor. (Bug #18968)
- 000EE735: Floating garlic. (Bug #18974)
- 000EE736: Leek clipping with bowl. (Bug #18974)
- 000C53C2, 000EE73F, 000EE741: Seared slaughterfish pieces clipping with plates. (Bug #18990, Bug #18974)
- 000EE76F, 000EE771: Long bows clipping with table. (Bug #18974)
- 0004DE79, 0009E287, 000E3476, 000EE72B: Clipping baskets. (Bug #18990, Bug #18983, Bug #18975, Bug #18974)
- 000C543E, 000DE236, 000DE237, 000E340B, 000E3497: Misplaced tankards. (Bug #18990, Bug #18989, Bug #18983)
- 000E0B7F: Mead bottle colliding with pickaxe. (Bug #18983)
- 000E34BE: Pickaxe clipping into floor. (Bug #18984)
- 000A9FDC: Trough moved slightly that was clipping with terrain. (Bug #18989)
- 000B393D, 000DD73F: Clipping buckets. (Bug #18989)
- 000DD6ED, 000DD6EE, 000DD6EF: Misplaced ingots. (Bug #18989)
- 0003713C, 0003714B, 0003714D, 0005BEE8, 000A38F7, 000A88F2, 000E8E6D, 000E8E6E: Clipping barrels. (Bug #19002, Bug #18999, Bug #18989)
- 000C5440: Clipping plate. (Bug #18990)
- 000C4C65, 0010668E, 0010668F, 0010668E, 00106690: Floating hay mounds. (Bug #19001)
Text Fixes
- DialogueCompanionsRiaVilkasScene1 [00093582]: "Well you can either get better with a bow or try to learn from me." -> "Well, you can either get better with a bow or try to learn from me." (Bug #18912)
- CreatureDeer: "The wilds of Skyrim are teeming with deer." -> "The wilds of Skyrim are teeming with deer and elk." (Bug #18925)
- DialogueGenericHello [000A9577]: "Y...Yes?" -> "Y... Yes?" (Bug #18982)
The complete changelog is