Death With Consequences

Post » Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:25 pm

Who plays Skyrim Death With Consequences? What sorts of consequences do you impose? Are they consequences to the player or the character?

I am toying with the idea of playing with a one week rule, where I will shut the game off and not play the character for a week if he dies. Also won't save more frequently than twice an hour.

Who else plays with some sort of consequences for dying short of full on DiD?
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:28 pm

I've got a screenie I wish I could show you... When I play "Death With Consequences" I only really have one consequence... They must give up everything they have. This screenie is of a female character laying on the ground in the midst of a pile of her belongings that is incredible in size. I was astounded that she had been actually CARRYING all of that stuff...

Anyway, the consequence is that the character leaves the site of their death with nothing except quest items that can't be dumped. No gold, no weapons, no armor no clothing, no food, no potions, no scrolls. If they have a home, they can't go back to it for a month. That's to prevent stashing stuff at home so I can go there and gear up again with no pain. Also, any followers must be dismissed. Horses gotta be left behind (horse inventory emptied for Convenient Horses) must buy a new horse before any previously owned horse can bu ridden.

That's about it, I guess....

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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:18 pm

I have a hard time playing 'death with consequences' if the consequence isn't full-on DiD... which is also hard for me to do. So basically, for me it's either DiD or reload. (I play on Adept, so usually when I die it's due to some silly reason anyway - an unfair kill cam, or some quirk of the architecture. At least, that's what I tell myself so I can sleep at night. :P)

When I reload, then, it's as though the 'mistake' never happened. It's not part of my character's story.

When I pay DiD, the death *is* part of my character's story.

Another consequence for death - but not death itself - would seem difficult to work into a narrative, and if I'm not concerned about fitting it into my character's story, then I may as well just reload, right?

I suppose the 'you lose everything' consequence for death could make sense in a story way, depending on circumstances. Say I was 'killed' by bandits - I might RP that they loot my 'corpse' and leave me just barely alive. But what if it's a dragon that does me in?

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Alba Casas
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Post » Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:53 pm

I made a "G" rated version of the picture just so I could share it with you all. I hope you find this as amazing as I did... It's unbelievale the amount of crap we carry around and think nothing of it.

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Haley Cooper
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