The Kings...
This playthrough, I am actually helping them out. I kind of ignored them my first time through. However, I am not seeing them show up in my "Faction/Reputation" screen in my Pip-Boy. Are they an actual faction? I did GI Blues and got Rex all fixed up. Maybe it is not enough to "register" yet for them?
I did end up "taking care of" Pacer (hated that guy), but I had no rep before doing that and The King would not let me tell him about Pacer's activities. I even slowly walked behind Pacer after that NCR incident to see if things would "blow up" between the two, but nothing happened.
As an aside, Rex is AWESOME! I hope that fiend dog brain (Violetta's) is not nicknamed "Abby Normal" I was surprised when Rex joined me that Veronica stayed, too. TWO followers! Now we all traipse about the wasteland doing good for humanity