Vanilla Scripts VS SKSE modified Scripts

Post » Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:08 pm

Hello, I've a particular question to ask to you. Let me make an example:

I have made a mod which doesn't need SKSE and it contains scripts written by me.

Most of the scripts, for istance, extends ObjectReference and when I compiled them I used the vanilla ObjectReference script.

Is this may cause some runtime issues with who have SKSE installed?

And viceversa (compiling my scripts with modified SKSE ObjectReference even if my mod doesn't requires SKSE and running on Skyrim game where SKSE is not installed)?

I'm curious about that. I'm pretty sure that the "Viceversa" situation should be more problematic because the modified SKSE ObjectReference (and other SKSE scripts) adds more custom functions that are not available on vanilla Skyrim. And based on my acknowledge, most of the functions are simply declarations for the DLL entry point.

Any idea?

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clelia vega
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