Start over or not - What would you do?

Post » Mon Apr 27, 2015 11:18 am

Hello everyone!

I haven't played Morrowind for quite some time for several reasons and one of them is that my current loadorder is outdated perhaps obsolete, but I cannot make up my mind about what to do. Below is my loadorder.

_001_ Morrowind.esm
_002_ Tribunal.esm
_003_ Bloodmoon.esm
_004_ Morrowind Patch v1.6.4.esm
_005_ Book Rotate.esm
_006_ Better Heads.esm
_007_ Better Heads Tribunal addon.esm
_008_ Better Heads Bloodmoon addon.esm
_009_ TR_Data.esm
_010_ TR_Mainland.esm
_011_ MCA.esm
_012_ GDR_MasterFile.esm
_013_ Adamantium Roundshield.esp
_014_ Necklace_Pack.esp
_015_ Tel NechimM.esp
_016_ DN-GDRv1.esp
_017_ LotsOfRings.esp
_018_ LotsOfRingsPlus.esp
_019_ THTWG - Framerate Version.esp
_020_ Seyda Neen Transport.esp
_021_ Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp
_022_ 20books.esp
_023_ Arthmoors_Merchants.esp
_024_ Ashlander_Transports.esp
_025_ Skill Progress v2.esp
_026_ ASH 2.0.esp
_027_ New Lord's Mail.ESP
_028_ New Randagulf's Fists.ESP
_029_ New Umbra.ESP
_030_ md_magebane_replacer.esp
_031_ Glass Gauntlets 10.esp
_032_ telbranoramanor.esp
_033_ Dragonbone_Pauldrons.esp
_034_ Lost pieces of unknown armor - Class 04.esp
_035_ Balmora Lockpick and Probe Merchant.esp
_036_ Balmora Soul Gem Merchant.esp
_037_ ChaniBalmoraVendor.esp
_038_ The regulars - Sitting NPC's v2.02.esp
_039_ UFR_v3dot2.esp
_040_ vince_robe_drakescale.esp
_041_ vince_robe_haazheel.esp
_042_ Sleepers Robe.esp
_043_ CleanAreaEffectArrows.esp
_044_ CleanBitterCoastSounds.esp
_045_ CleanEntertainers.esp
_046_ CleanHelmOfTohan.esp
_047_ CleanMasterIndex.esp
_048_ ImprovedAdamantiumArmor.esp
_049_ The Sable Dragon 1.6 mmc.esp
_050_ Mills of Morrowind.esp
_051_ Better Bodies.esp
_052_ Clean The Apartment.esp
_053_ Ghostgate_Sactuary.esp
_054_ LOCH_Strider_Hovel.esp
_055_ Book Rotate - Tribunal v5.3.esp
_056_ Book Rotate - Bloodmoon v5.3.esp
_057_ TravelingMerchants_v2.2.esp
_058_ Thirsk Expanded.esp
_059_ Amulet of Icarian flight.esp
_060_ Book Jackets - Morrowind - BookRotate.esp
_061_ Book Jackets - Tribunal - BookRotate.esp
_062_ Book Jackets - Bloodmoon - BookRotate.esp
_063_ DM_DB Armor Replacer-Exp.esp
_064_ Better Clothes_v1.1.esp
_065_ BetterClothes_Patch.esp
_066_ More Better Clothes.esp
_067_ More Exquisite Clothes.esp
_068_ Acheron's Camping Gear 2.esp
_069_ Passive Wildlife Vvardenfell.esp
_070_ Secret_Master's_Alchemy_Equipment_v1.0.esp
_071_ Westly's Master Headpack X.esp
_072_ Master Index Upgrade.esp
_073_ Bloated Caves.esp
_074_ Better Balmora river.esp
_075_ Stalhrim Stuff.esp
_076_ abotWhereAreAllBirdsGoing.esp
_077_ abotGondoliers.esp
_078_ abotBoatsTR.esp
_079_ abotSiltStridersTR.esp
_080_ abotRiverStridersTR.esp
_081_ abotTRWaterSound.esp
_082_ Bloodmoon Vendor.esp
_083_ hidaway001.esp
_084_ Books of Vvardenfell.esp
_085_ BB_Grimoires.esp
_086_ Westly_Presents_Unique_Winged_Twilights.esp
_087_ TyrMagickaRegen.ESP
_088_ MCA - TR Addon.esp
_089_ Graphic Herbalism.esp
_090_ Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp
_091_ Graphic Herbalism TR.ESP
_092_ Graphic Herbalism TR Extra.ESP
_093_ Village of Mora Uvirith v1.1.esp
_094_ Lakeside House.esp
_095_ Redaynia Village.esp
_096_ Maar Gan Hut.esp
_097_ Wolli's_solthseim_MRM.esp
_098_ Uvirith's Legacy_3.2.esp
_099_ UL_BookJackets_Add-on.esp
_100_ UL_Chess_Add-on.esp
_101_ UL_3.2_MWSE_Add-on.esp
_102_ UL_3.2_patch_a.esp
_103_ UL_3.3_TR_SE1.5_Add-on.esp
_104_ Dock Walkway_No Building.esp
_105_ Hlormaren - Fixed Dome building.esp
_106_ Salit Camp_Yakaridan Camp - Fixed Door Marker.esp
_107_ Unofficial Morrowind Patch_Jac_001.ESP
_108_ Mashed Lists.esp

You can ignore the last three mods (105-107) before the Mashed Lists.esp, because those mods are related to UMP.

This is what status my game has right now.

  1. Haven't touched the MQ, except for delivering the report to Caius
  2. Have finished almost every quest in UL and I'm already Arch-Magister in the Great House Telvanni
  3. I need to update TR if I want to continue the quest line for Great House Telvanni on the mainland
  4. I am at level 42 with a lots of cash and loot

Now, what would you do? :smile:

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daniel royle
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Post » Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:07 am

I would start over. Especially if you haven't played in a while and want to update your loadlist anyway, now's the time I think. A reason not to would be if you really, really want to continue that particular character's story or a specific questline you had going there.

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Rachel Eloise Getoutofmyface
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Post » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:52 pm

You know that's exactly why I cannot make up my mind. Most people know how boring it's to start over and almost get killed by a level 5 bandit and you're struggling to be alive during a fight for the next fight.

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jason worrell
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Post » Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:51 pm

For me that is the most fun part of playing these games when you do not have much skill, gold, and gear. Also the whole land is free for you to explore.

The choice is up to you do you think that character is done with and no more tales are needed.

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Post » Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:50 am

I have done that so many times in the past and every time I do that I sometimes get a little bored. However, I know what you mean especially if you haven't played for a very long time then starting a new game is exciting just your first game back in god knows when.

Yes for once I do want to expand my character, but this time it isn't like the mod because I don't use it this time around. :smile:

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Khamaji Taylor
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