Weapon Plaque - Remove Weapon Script

Post » Tue Apr 28, 2015 8:53 am

I've been dealing with the issue of weapons appearing "stuck" on weapon plaques due to the weapon mount being too close to the wall and thus being within the wall collision barrier. I didn't want to have to place the weapon plaque far off the wall, so I had an idea to use an activator to remove the weapon from the plaque, similar to using an activator to add the weapon. However I've been having trouble linking to the weapon on the plaque in the removal script. I'm fairly new to scripting, so I'm looking for help from experienced script writers.
Imagine the Activator right in front of the Trigger (like normal), and then the Remover in the same space as the Activator. If the plaque is empty when the game is loaded, the Trigger's script automatically enables the Activator and disables the Remover. When the Weapon is placed on the Trigger by clicking on the Activator, the Trigger disables the Activator and enables the Remover. The Remover then allows for easy removal of the weapon because the Remover can be placed farther away from the wall so as to avoid the wall collision (which is what makes weapons appear "stuck" on weapon plaques).
Here is the Trigger script. I've altered it to disable or enable the new removal activator based on the status of a placed weapon. For instance, if a weapon is placed, the activator to place an item is disabled and the activator to remove an item is enabled, and vice versa if a weapon is not placed.
Scriptname WeaponRackTriggerScriptMT01 extends ObjectReference import gameimport debugimport utilityKeyword Property WRackActivator AutoKeyword Property WRackRemover Auto;The activator we must disable if there is already something in this triggerObjectReference Property ActivatorRef Auto Hidden;Reference that is currently in the triggerObjectReference Property RefCurrentlyInTrig Auto Hidden;1 = if something is in this trigger, 0 = emptyBool Property HasBeenTriggered Auto HiddenInt Property numInTrig Auto HiddenBool Property AlreadyInit Auto HiddenBool Property IgnoreArmor = FALSE AutoEVENT OnReset()	AlreadyInit = FALSEendEVENTEVENT OnLoad()	if (AlreadyInit == FALSE) && (self.IsEnabled())		ActivatorRef = GetLinkedRef(WRackActivator)		if (ActivatorRef)			ActivatorRef.Enable()		endif		ActivatorRef = NONE		ActivatorRef = GetLinkedRef(WRackRemover)		if (ActivatorRef)			ActivatorRef.Disable()		endif		ActivatorRef = NONE		AlreadyInit = TRUE	else		;Do nothing	endifendEVENTauto STATE WaitingForReference	EVENT onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef)				if (IgnoreArmor == TRUE) && (triggerRef.GetBaseObject() as Armor)			;ignoring armor, and this is armor, so do nothing		else			HasBeenTriggered = TRUE			ActivatorRef = GetLinkedRef(WRackActivator)			if ActivatorRef				ActivatorRef.Disable()			endif			ActivatorRef = NONE			ActivatorRef = GetLinkedRef(WRackRemover)			if ActivatorRef				ActivatorRef.Enable()			endif			ActivatorRef = NONE		endif						endEVENT	EVENT OnTriggerLeave(objectReference triggerRef)				if (IgnoreArmor == TRUE) && (triggerRef.GetBaseObject() as Armor)			;ignoring armor, and this is armor, so do nothing		else		endif		if (GetTriggerObjectCount() == 0)			ActivatorRef = GetLinkedRef(WRackActivator)			HasBeenTriggered = FALSE			ActivatorRef.Enable()			ActivatorRef = NONE			ActivatorRef = GetLinkedRef(WRackRemover)			ActivatorRef.Disable()			ActivatorRef = NONE		endif	endEVENTendSTATE
I did not change the script for the activator used to place weapons.
Scriptname WeaponRackActivatorScriptMT01 extends ObjectReference Hidden {Activating this causes the players currently equipped weapon to be placed on the rack}import gameimport debugimport utilityimport quest;-------------------------------------------int Property RackType = 1 Auto{The type of rack this script is on:  Default = 11 = Standard Weapon Rack (Includes Regular, Mount, and CoA Weapon Racks)2 = COA Shield Rack3 = COA Weapon Rack (Both left and right)4 = Table-top Dagger Rack}Bool Property Patch14COARacks = FALSE AutoMessage Property Patch14WeaponRackNoBowMESSAGE AutoMessage Property WeaponRackActivateMESSAGE Auto{Message you get when activate the weapon rack for the very first time}Message Property WeaponRackNoShieldMESSAGE Auto{Message you get when you activate the shield rack without a shield equipped}Message Property WeaponRackNoWeaponMESSAGE Auto{Message you get when you activate the weapon rack without a weapon equipped}Message Property WeaponRackNoDaggerMESSAGE Auto{Message you get when you activate the weapon rack and a dagger isn't allowed to be placed}Message Property WeaponRackNoBowMESSAGE Auto{Message you get when you activate the weapon rack and a bow isn't allowed to be placed}Message Property WeaponRackOnlyDaggerMESSAGE Auto{Message you get when you can only place daggers in the rack and try to place something else}Int Property ButtonPressed Auto Hidden{Button that was pressed when WeaponRackActivateMESSAGE is displayed}Bool Property AlreadyInit Auto Hidden{If true this reference won't run it's intialization a second time}Bool Property MessageAlreadyShown Auto HiddenGlobalVariable Property WRackGlobal Auto{Global that determines if you have seen the help message yet or not};Keywords for the type of xMarkersKeyword Property WRackGreatSword AutoKeyword Property WRackWarhammer AutoKeyword Property WRackBattleaxe AutoKeyword Property WRackBow AutoKeyword Property WRackSword AutoKeyword Property WRackMace AutoKeyword Property WRackWarAxe AutoKeyword Property WRackStaff AutoKeyword Property WRackShield AutoKeyword Property WRackTrigger Auto;Keyword for types of weaponsKeyword Property WeaponTypeBattleAxe AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeBow AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeDagger AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeGreatSword AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeMace AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeStaff AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeSword AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeWarAxe AutoKeyword Property WeaponTypeWarhammer AutoKeyword Property ArmorShield Auto;Where to place the specific weapon types on the rack, so they look correctObjectReference Property GreatSwordMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property WarhammerMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property BattleaxeMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property BowMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property SwordMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property MaceMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property WaraxeMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property StaffMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property ShieldMarker Auto HiddenObjectReference Property TriggerMarker Auto Hidden;Handles the starting weapon stuffKeyword Property WRackStartingWeapon Auto HiddenObjectReference Property StartingWeapon Auto HiddenInt Property ItemType Auto Hidden{The type of weapon the player is trying to place (1H Sword, 2H Sword, 1H Axe, etc...)}Weapon Property PlayersEquippedWeapon Auto Hidden{The players currently equipped weapon}Armor Property PlayersEquippedShield Auto Hidden{The players currently equipped shield}ObjectReference Property PlayersDroppedWeapon Auto Hidden{The Weapon/ObjectReference we force the player to drop}Int Property PlayersEquippedWeaponType Auto Hidden{This is the type of weapon the player currently has equipped};-------------------------------------------EVENT OnCellAttach()	Trace("DARYL - " + self + " running OnCellLoad() and AlreadyInit = " + AlreadyInit)	TriggerMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackTrigger)	Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The TriggerMarker is " + TriggerMarker)	If (TriggerMarker) && (TriggerMarker.IsEnabled()) && (TriggerMarker.GetTriggerObjectCount() == 0)		Self.Enable()	endif	if (TriggerMarker) && (AlreadyInit == FALSE) && (TriggerMarker.IsEnabled())		; Set up all my possible Xmarkers for the weapon locations		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Running the OnLoad EVENT")		;GreatSwordMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackGreatSword)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The GreatswordMarker is " + GreatSwordMarker)		;WarhammerMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackWarhammer)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Warhammer Marker is " + WarhammerMarker)		;BattleaxeMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackBattleaxe)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Battleaxe Marker is " + BattleaxeMarker)		;BowMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackBow)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Bow Marker is " + BowMarker)		;SwordMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackSword)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Sword Marker is " + SwordMarker)		;MaceMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackMace)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Mace Marker is " + MaceMarker)		;WaraxeMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackWaraxe)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Waraxe Marker is " + WaraxeMarker)		;StaffMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackStaff)		;Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Staff Marker is " + StaffMarker)		StartingWeapon = GetLinkedRef()		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " The Starting Weapon is " + StartingWeapon)				if (StartingWeapon)			if StartingWeapon.Is3DLoaded()				if StartingWeapon.GetParentCell() == self.GetParentCell()					Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Has a starting weapon")					HandleStartingWeapon()				endif			endif		else			Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Doesn't have a starting weapon")			;Do nothing		endif				AlreadyInit = TRUE	else		;Do nothing	endif	TriggerMarker = NONE	Trace("DARYL - " + self + " finishing OnCellLoad() and AlreadyInit = " + AlreadyInit)endEVENT	Auto STATE EmptyRack	EVENT onActivate(ObjectReference TriggerRef)					;---------------------------------------------------		;START------------------Standard Rack		;-----------------------------------------		If ((RackType == 1) && (Patch14COARacks == FALSE))		; This is the Standard Weapon Rack				if (TriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() as Actor)			; Only the player can activate this						MessageAlreadyShown = WRackGlobal.GetValue()							if (MessageAlreadyShown == FALSE)					; If the help message hasn't been shown before then show it.					WeaponRackActivateMESSAGE.Show()					WRackGlobal.SetValue(1)				else					Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player activated the weapon rack")					PlayersEquippedWeaponType = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedItemType(1)					; Get the EquippedItemType that is in the players right hand										if (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 0) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 9) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 10) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 11)					; If the player is unarmed, or has a spell/shield/torch equipped, tell him he needs a weapon equipped.						WeaponRackNoWeaponMESSAGE.Show()											;elseif (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 2)					; If the player has a dagger equipped tell him it doesn't fit.						;WeaponRackNoDaggerMESSAGE.Show()					else											HandleWeaponPlacement()						; Grabs the weapon from the player and places it in the correct place.											endif					endif								endif				;-----------------------------------------		;END------------------Standard Rack		;---------------------------------------------------								;---------------------------------------------------		;START------------------Wall Mount Shield Rack		;-----------------------------------------						elseIf ((RackType == 2) && (Patch14COARacks == FALSE))			;This is the CoA Shield Rack						if (TriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() as Actor)			; Only the player can activate this						MessageAlreadyShown = WRackGlobal.GetValue()							if (MessageAlreadyShown == FALSE)					; If the help message hasn't been shown before then show it.					WeaponRackActivateMESSAGE.Show()					WRackGlobal.SetValue(1)				else					Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player activated the shield rack")					Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player has shield " + Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedShield() + " base object equipped")					; PlayersEquippedWeaponType = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedItemType(0)					; Get the EquippedItemType that is in the players left hand										if (Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedShield())					; Grabs the weapon from the player and places it in the correct place.					HandleWeaponPlacement()																else					; If the player doesn't have a shield equipped tell him he needs one.						WeaponRackNoShieldMESSAGE.Show()																endif					endif						endif		;-----------------------------------------		;END------------------Wall Mount Shield Rack		;---------------------------------------------------								;---------------------------------------------------		;START------------------COA Weapon Rack		;-----------------------------------------		elseIf ((RackType == 3) || (Patch14COARacks == TRUE))		; This is the COA Weapon Rack				if (TriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() as Actor)			; Only the player can activate this						MessageAlreadyShown = WRackGlobal.GetValue()							if (MessageAlreadyShown == FALSE)					; If the help message hasn't been shown before then show it.					WeaponRackActivateMESSAGE.Show()					WRackGlobal.SetValue(1)				else					Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player activated the COA weapon rack")					PlayersEquippedWeaponType = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedItemType(1)					; Get the EquippedItemType that is in the players right hand										if (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 0) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 9) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 10) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 11)					; If the player is unarmed, or has a spell/shield/torch equipped, tell him he needs a weapon equipped.						WeaponRackNoWeaponMESSAGE.Show()											elseif (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 2)					; If the player has a dagger equipped tell him it doesn't fit.						WeaponRackNoDaggerMESSAGE.Show()											elseif (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 7) || (PlayersEquippedWeaponType == 12)					; If the player has a bow equipped tell him it doesn't fit.						Patch14WeaponRackNoBowMESSAGE.Show()											else											HandleWeaponPlacement()						; Grabs the weapon from the player and places it in the correct place.											endif					endif								endif			;-----------------------------------------		;END------------------COA Weapon Rack		;---------------------------------------------------				;---------------------------------------------------		;START------------------Table-Top Dagger Rack		;-----------------------------------------					elseIf ((RackType == 4) && (Patch14COARacks == FALSE))		; This is the Standard Weapon Rack				if (TriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer() as Actor)			; Only the player can activate this						MessageAlreadyShown = WRackGlobal.GetValue()							if (MessageAlreadyShown == FALSE)					; If the help message hasn't been shown before then show it.					WeaponRackActivateMESSAGE.Show()					WRackGlobal.SetValue(1)				else					Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player activated the weapon rack")					PlayersEquippedWeaponType = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedItemType(1)					; Get the EquippedItemType that is in the players right hand										if (PlayersEquippedWeaponType != 2)					; If the player is trying to place anything but a dagger tell him he can't.						WeaponRackOnlyDaggerMESSAGE.Show()											else											HandleWeaponPlacement()						; Grabs the weapon from the player and places it in the correct place.											endif					endif								endif			;-----------------------------------------		;END------------------Table-Top Dagger Rack		;---------------------------------------------------		endif			endEVENTendSTATEFunction HandleWeaponPlacement(bool ForStartingWeapon = FALSE)	; Grabs the weapon from the player and places it in the correct place.	if (ForStartingWeapon)		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Handling Starting Weapon")		;Don't do the player stuff	else		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Handling Players Weapon")				If (RackType == 2)			Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player currently has weapon type " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " in his left hand.")			;PlayersEquippedShield = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon(TRUE)			; Find out what shield the player currently has equipped						Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player has shield " + Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedShield() + " base object equipped")				PlayersDroppedWeapon = Game.GetPlayer().DropObject(Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedShield(), 1)			; Force the weapon to be dropped, and get it's reference						Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Dropped " + PlayersEquippedShield + " shield from players inventory as " + PlayersDroppedWeapon)		else			Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player currently has weapon type " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " in his right hand.")			PlayersEquippedWeapon = Game.GetPlayer().GetEquippedWeapon()			; Find out what weapon the player currently has equipped						Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Player has " + PlayersEquippedWeapon + " base object equipped")				PlayersDroppedWeapon = Game.GetPlayer().DropObject(PlayersEquippedWeapon, 1)			; Force the weapon to be dropped, and get it's reference						Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Dropped " + PlayersEquippedWeapon + " from players inventory as " + PlayersDroppedWeapon)		endif				if (PlayersDroppedweapon)			int Count = 0			While(!PlayersDroppedweapon.Is3DLoaded()) && (Count < 10)				; Have to wait to make sure the item is dropped before setting it's motion type, or else I get a "Object has no 3D" error.				Utility.Wait(0.1)				Count += 1			EndWhile		endif			endif		PlayersDroppedWeapon.SetMotionType(Motion_Keyframed, false)	; Tell the weapon to ignore all forms of physic interaction	Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Disabling physics on " + PlayersDroppedWeapon)		TriggerMarker = GetLinkedRef(WRackTrigger)	; Handle the placement of the weapon	if PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeSword)		; 1H Sword		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the SwordMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "SwordPivot01")			elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeWarAxe)		; 1H Axe		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the WaraxeMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "WarAxePivot01")			elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeMace)		; Mace		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the MaceMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "MacePivot01")					elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeGreatSword)		; 2H Sword		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the GreatSwordMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "GreatSwordPivot01")			elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeBattleAxe)		; 2H Axe		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the BattleaxeMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "BattleAxePivot01")			elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeWarhammer)		; Warhammer		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the WarhammerMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "WarhammerPivot01")			elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeBow)		; Bow		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the BowMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "BowPivot01")					elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeStaff)		; Staff		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving players dropped weapon" + PlayersDroppedWeapon + " of type " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the StaffMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "StaffPivot01")			elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeDagger)		; Staff		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving players dropped weapon" + PlayersDroppedWeapon + " of type " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the DaggerMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "DaggerPivot01")	elseif PlayersDroppedWeapon.HasKeyword(ArmorShield)		; Staff		Trace("DARYL - " + self + " Moving players dropped weapon" + PlayersDroppedWeapon + " of type " + PlayersEquippedWeaponType + " to the ShieldMarker")		PlayersDroppedWeapon.MoveToNode(TriggerMarker, "ShieldPivot01")				endif	TriggerMarker = NONEEndFunctionFunction HandleStartingWeapon()	If (RackType == 1)		; If this is a standard rack...		if StartingWeapon.HasKeyword(ArmorShield)			;Don't do anything		else		; ...and doesn't have a dagger then place the weapon.			PlayersDroppedWeapon = StartingWeapon			HandleWeaponPlacement(TRUE)		endif			elseIf (RackType == 2)		; If this is a shield rack...		if StartingWeapon.HasKeyword(ArmorShield)			PlayersDroppedWeapon = StartingWeapon			HandleWeaponPlacement(TRUE)		else		;don't do anything		endif			elseIf (RackType == 3)		; If this is a COA weapon rack...		if StartingWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeDagger)			;Don't do anything		elseif StartingWeapon.HasKeyword(ArmorShield)			;Don't do anything		elseif StartingWeapon.HasKeyword(WeaponTypeBow)			;Don't do anything		else		; ...and doesn't have a dagger then place the weapon.			PlayersDroppedWeapon = StartingWeapon			HandleWeaponPlacement(TRUE)		endif			endif	EndFunction
Here is the script for the activator to remove weapons. This is the one I'm having trouble with. I don't know how to reference the weapon that was placed on the mount (assume the player placed the weapon in game, not a previously linked weapon through CK).
Scriptname WeaponRackRemoverScriptMT01 extends ObjectReferenceKeyword Property WRackTrigger AutoObjectReference Property TriggerItem Auto HiddenObjectReference Property ItemtoAdd Auto HiddenEvent OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)	TriggerItem = GetLinkedRef(WRackTrigger)	ItemtoAdd = TriggerItem.GetLinkedRef()	Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(ItemtoAdd, 1)EndEvent

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Catherine Harte
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