Usually, when Im sick I like to lie in bed and play some video games or watch some tv.
Oh I am sick right now. Head ache, fever and my nose and throat are really bad. Fortunately, my headaches are not that strong, so it allows me to play video games, watch TV shows and movies.
I stay in bed for a couple of days with a mild fever and play video games when I'm not sleeping. I haven't been sick in years though.
I usually get quite sick at least once a year..
I mean, I didn't this past year (thank god), but I usually catch the flu almost every flu season (or at least, I did for 12 years in a row.. i seem to have broken the cycle these past 2 years thank god).. Usually I just lay in bed, have a bucket next to me just in case, and try and stay hydrated..
I remember one time, my senior year of High School, it hit me really bad.. I could barely walk, couldn't keep anything down, produced enough sweat to fill a swimming pool, and as a result began suffering from severe dehydration.. my parents were out of town that week, so I called up a buddy who was also in the robotics club (I knew him for years before hand, our parents were good friends), and asked him to give me a lift to the ER..
I was so sick, they wouldn't let me out of the Hospital for well over a week.. I just stayed in that uncomfortable hospital bed, hooked up an IV, watching reruns of bad shows on the Comedy channel.. they were having a marathon of the Drew Carey show that week, and if I never see another episode it will be to soon..
I'm sick right now and other than looking at forums every once in a while, it's a lot of bed rest and TV (or netflix in this case).
I feed my body ingredients that I've over time have recognized help me get over sickness faster.
Gatorade, crackers, soup, etc.
And I don't keep stuff in my body....I haawwwk up anything in my throat and spit it out. There is a reason why I'm coughing it up. Sniffles? Snot-rocket that bastard. Exploding lower-blow hole? Coffee and a banana.
Anything that helps me stay rested but also keep my metabolism working fast.
And I play videogames until I'm sleepy, then I sleep.
I lie in bed and act like I'm going to die.
Manflu is a hell of a thing.
Asthma, which also means every sore throat becomes a chest infection and every cold feels like influenza, bad hay fever and that's it unless you count hangovers. What do I do? Play improvised Eastern/hippy music on the classical guitar or sit in front of a screen killing things with swords and drink hot lemon and honey, unless it's a hangover when it's lemon juice and Rose's lime cordial to the rescue.
I'm sick now. It happens reliably after I've gone about a week without consistently getting >8 hours of sleep. Symptoms are almost always the same. I'm tired, I have a bit of a stuffy nose, I 'feel sick' in my throat, and in my nose, and in my head. I temporarily feel better while eating or drinking cold drinks, and while riding my bike. It lasts less than a week. I still go to class, because not to would be academic suicide. Really glad to be on summer now, though.
I usually get a cold (sniffles, headache, sore throat, etc) twice a year like clockwork: once in October and once in May. Just let it run through, and take some cold meds to get through school or work days.