I've got a dungeon built. Just navemeshed it (not my first navemeshing) and I was getting a draugr to chase me around to check all of the navemesh, and For some reason, when I cross a piece of a bridge on my map, the draugr will not follow, and will instead turn around and run back.
Here's a pic of the navemesh section.
Draugr would be on the left side, while I was running toward the right, then the draugr would stop, turn around and run back up the left side. I cannot figure out why.
As a side note, it is possible to get to the right side by going around the bridge, so I am not sure if the draugr is trying to go all the way around, or if he is trying to get out of line of sight.
(just thought of this. I'm gonna try to deleting the navemesh on the bridge and redoing it to see if it works. Will try it when I get back from work. I would love some alternative ideas though. )