Idea for future DLC

Post » Sat May 09, 2015 7:22 am

Hello. Lately I've been thinking about Fallout and I was thinking of something that I would find awesome for a DLC.

So the DLC would start you going into a military bunker. In the bunker you come across several rooms, but one room seems special and as you inspect the room and all of sudden get teleported away. You are teleported to a military base on the moon (or Mars). When you arrive you find out that the people never know what happened to Earth. All they know that the communicated stopped and never came back. The player finds out that the people in the base are in the middle of a revolution (the base would be huge). Also because of the teleportation the teleportation pad or chamber burnt out and needs to be repaired. With other words you would't be able to go back until you have finished the DLC. The player will help in the revolution. He has two choices. Which are choosing sides. War is inevitable. The most worry some about the revolution is that the base contain warheads that are still deployable. The first side you meet wants to prevent this from happening. The other side wants them to be fired to earth as they feel betrayed. When the player chooses the first side he will do everything to prevent this from happening by destroying the otherside and disarming the warheads. When the player chooses the other side he will do everything to make it happen. He would do this by eliminating the first side and the help to get the warheads deployed (they don't know how to deploy them yet). When the player succeeds on either side they will help him return to Earth.

Enviroment would be the base on the moon. This base is a super high-tech military. The base is also huge with open terain and seperated buildings. These could be connected by long tunnels or tubes, but for the story it would be more fun if they also have open air between the buildings. Which means the player would need special gear. To move between buildings.

Rewards would be strong and special weapons/armour. No bottlecaps as it would be illogical for them to use it as currency as they don't know about the war that has happened. Also the player would receive good/bad karma depending on wether he chose to nuke Earth or not.

The player would still be able to get back to the moon base.

Maybe easter eggs. For example some could have sworn they saw two space ships fight each other with giant lasers (reference to Mothership Zeta). An other idea would be for there to be an intact smaller alien ship (like the one you see in the beginning of mothership Zeta) with an alive alien. He's from Zeta, but fled after it got taken over. The player can use the space ship to get back to Zeta (ofcourse not everywhere, but just the docking area and control room. If combined with my other idea (which I will write in the future) the player still is the LW but 10 years later and moved to an other part of the wasteland and just never came back to the ship till now that is. The girl will be grown up and remembers him.

Hope you enjoyed it :D. If you would like to see anything added to the DLC just or have any questions just say it in the comments.

PS: Sorry if I made spelling/grammer mistakes (English isn't my native language). Feel free to correct me.

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Lady Shocka
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Post » Fri May 08, 2015 11:20 pm

Hi pjezus, welcome to the forums!

Your idea is better posted here:

It is to condense all idea threads into one :smile:

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Post » Fri May 08, 2015 8:56 pm

Hi and welcome to the forums, please use the thread mentioned above, thanks.
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Austin England
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