A few facts about MMHGHF-Downloads

Post » Wed May 13, 2015 12:21 am

Hi, as a Moderator of MMH/GHF I have a few helpful bits of info;

1) When using the MMH "Contact Us" feature, PLEASE, only click the 'Send Message' button once. Yes, it does not show any reaction, but it does send the message. I recently had to clear over 30 messages from S_F_R and over 50 from Apel for removing non-permissioned uploads. S_F_R's mods were long-gone, and Apel's 50+ messages were for ONE mod. Just two recent examples...

2) The GHF-Downloads Search function does not seem to include the Featured Modders folders, so if you want to see the newest uploads from GHF modders, you need to look in their FM folders as well as using 'Search."

Thank you, and Happy Modding. :)

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