morrowind crafting questions

Post » Thu May 20, 2010 9:23 am

Can anyone point me to where a loom is sold? It's not coming up as a conversation topic and I've been around the vendors. Also, how would one go about making a static anvil activatible? I'm living in the hidden shrine from the Threads of the Webspinner mod which has an anvil (smaller) and fire place.
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Post » Thu May 20, 2010 3:43 am

Can anyone point me to where a loom is sold? It's not coming up as a conversation topic and I've been around the vendors. Also, how would one go about making a static anvil activatible? I'm living in the hidden shrine from the Threads of the Webspinner mod which has an anvil (smaller) and fire place.

Finding a loom for sale is a hit-or-miss proposition. Either the furniture dealer in Ebonheart or the one near the Guildhall in Mournhold may randomly have them in inventory from time to time. There are a few that you can use in place, however, owned by some of the clothiers in their shops. I believe the one in Suran has a loom, while the clothier in Caldera has a Spinning Wheel. I recall that there are a couple of looms in other spots, such as one in a cave near Gnisis (I won't go into details unless you ask), or a particular MQ-related location, but I don't think they're movable.

If an anvil doesn't have its properties set to be used by MC (in which case, it's not an MC anvil), then you can't activate it without modifying it in the CS. You could probably open up the console, click on the anvil, and see if it says "mc_anvil". Since it's mod-added, it's probably a "vanilla" anvil.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Thu May 20, 2010 8:50 am

@Elonin: If you want to buy a loom, you'll need to check the two dedicated furniture vendors. Some merchants around town will sell some of the basic kits and minor supplies, but if you're looking for high-level equipment like a loom, kegstand, or pottery wheel, only the furniture dealers will carry those. Gratim Secundum in the Mournhold Craftsmen's Hall has a wider selection than his brother at the Ebonheart docks. They change their inventory quite frequently, so check back every day or so.

As to the anvil, Kovacius' suggestion about the construction set is probably your best bet. However, you could try the following and see if it meets your approval. If not, then you're going to have to fall back on either editing the shrine in your mod to include an MC anvil or making a patch sort of like the Morrowind Crafting Equipment patch that swaps it out. Since you already have the shrine in your save game, a patch would be a safer solution. But try these steps first. Maybe you'll be okay with the results.

Go into the shrine, open the console, and click on the static anvil. Make sure the console title bar changes to the ID of the anvil. Then type in the following commands:

Placeatme mc_anvil_p 1,0,0
setdelete 1

Now click on the new anvil and make sure the title bar changes again. Type the following command:


where is the number that showed up in the console window when you typed the previous GetScale command. Placeatme will put the new anvil in the same location and orientation as the old one, but it won't copy the scale. You'll either need to change that manually or just live with the fact that the replacement anvil is bigger.

On the other hand, the search & replace feature of the edit menu in the construction set will not only copy the location and orientation, but the scale as well. That's why I think the construction set method will give you better results, but it's more work. It's up to you.
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john palmer
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Post » Thu May 20, 2010 5:25 am

Thank you for the help. I had been checking in on the guy from ebonhart but forgot about the furniture seller in mornhold, since I don't go there often. On a funny note just after reading the reminders here I checked with the guy in ebonhart again and he had a bunch of them in stock. It's also kind of weird that spinning wheels (can't remember name but turn fibers into bobins) started turning up like crazy once I had one but never quite before.

@Tocatta: btw was it intentional that the stalhrim was left out of the crafting system? Also the stalrim tool doesn't count as a pick for other other ore. I'm guessing that you left it that way to not break the quest in blood moon. Then again I had to buy ebony to complete the mine ebony quest.

@Elonin: If you want to buy a loom, you'll need to check the two dedicated furniture vendors. Some merchants around town will sell some of the basic kits and minor supplies, but if you're looking for high-level equipment like a loom, kegstand, or pottery wheel, only the furniture dealers will carry those. Gratim Secundum in the Mournhold Craftsmen's Hall has a wider selection than his brother at the Ebonheart docks. They change their inventory quite frequently, so check back every day or so.

As to the anvil, Kovacius' suggestion about the construction set is probably your best bet. However, you could try the following and see if it meets your approval. If not, then you're going to have to fall back on either editing the shrine in your mod to include an MC anvil or making a patch sort of like the Morrowind Crafting Equipment patch that swaps it out. Since you already have the shrine in your save game, a patch would be a safer solution. But try these steps first. Maybe you'll be okay with the results.

Go into the shrine, open the console, and click on the static anvil. Make sure the console title bar changes to the ID of the anvil. Then type in the following commands:

Placeatme mc_anvil_p 1,0,0
setdelete 1

Now click on the new anvil and make sure the title bar changes again. Type the following command:


where is the number that showed up in the console window when you typed the previous GetScale command. Placeatme will put the new anvil in the same location and orientation as the old one, but it won't copy the scale. You'll either need to change that manually or just live with the fact that the replacement anvil is bigger.

On the other hand, the search & replace feature of the edit menu in the construction set will not only copy the location and orientation, but the scale as well. That's why I think the construction set method will give you better results, but it's more work. It's up to you.

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Beulah Bell
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Post » Wed May 19, 2010 11:15 pm

@Tocatta: btw was it intentional that the stalhrim was left out of the crafting system? Also the stalrim tool doesn't count as a pick for other other ore. I'm guessing that you left it that way to not break the quest in blood moon. Then again I had to buy ebony to complete the mine ebony quest.

Yes. I didn't include the ability to smith stalhrim armor because the only people that have any idea how it's made aren't sharing any of their secrets. It's the same reason I didn't allow smithing of the Snow Wolf and Snow Bear armor. I didn't include the ability to mine the stalhrim because I was afraid it might break the quest. However, during a project I was working on, I did manage to get it working. If you have an interest in it, you can apply the following script to the stalhrim containers instead of the default script. As long as you're carrying the special nordic pick, you can always get the one piece that the base game allows, but if your mining skill is really high ( >=90 ), you can get even more.

Begin mc_mining_stalhrimshort stateshort materialshort shatteredshort tempshort skilltempshort trainpctshort buttonfloat timershort autoshort chippedif ( menumode == 1 )	if ( shattered == 2 )		set shattered to 3	endifendifif ( menumode == 0 )	if ( shattered == 3 )		set material to ( getitemcount ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 )		if ( material > 0 )			set shattered to 1		else			set shattered to 4		endif	endifendif	if ( state == 10 )	set skilltemp to ( mc_mining + 1 )	if ( mc_craft_results == 1 )		set mc_train_mining to ( mc_train_mining + mc_level_reward )		if ( mc_train_mining > 100 )			set mc_train_mining to 100		endif		if ( mc_mining >= 100 )			set mc_train_mining to 0		endif		if  ( mc_train_mining >= skilltemp )			set mc_mining to ( mc_mining + 1 )			set mc_train_mining to 0			playsound "skillraise"			messagebox "Your mining skill increases to %g." mc_mining		endif	endif	set mc_craft_results to 0	set mc_skill_results to 0	set state to 1	returnendifif ( OnActivate == 1 )	if ( player -> GetItemCount "BM Nordic Pick" == 0 )		messagebox "You don't have the tools to do anything with this."		set state to 0		return	endif	if ( GetJournalIndex "CO_8a" == 30 )		Journal CO_8a 40	elseif ( GetJournalIndex "CO_8" == 30 )		Journal CO_8 40	endif	if ( mc_mining < 90 )		if ( chipped == 0 )			messagebox "Your mining skill is too low to effectively mine the stalhrim block. However, the special nordic pick allows you to break off a single piece anyway."			player -> additem ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 1			playsound "repair"			set chipped to 1		elseif ( chipped == 1 )			messagebox "You have already chipped a piece of stalhrim off. If your skill at mining were higher, you might be able to get more."		endif		return	else		if ( chipped == 0 )			messagebox "The special nordic pick allows you to break off a single piece easily. Your skill at mining is high enough that you could get more with some effort."			player -> additem ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 1			playsound "repair"			set chipped to 1			return		endif	endif	set mc_skillvalue to mc_mining	if ( shattered == 1 )		while ( getitemcount ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 > 0 )			removeitem ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 1		endwhile		while ( getitemcount ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 < material )			additem ingred_raw_stalhrim_01 1		endwhile		set shattered to 2		activate		return	elseif ( shattered == 4 )		messagebox "This stalhrim block has already been mined out. There is no more available stalhrim."		return	elseif ( shattered > 0 )		activate		return	endif	set state to 1endifif ( state == 0 )	returnendifif ( state == 1 )	if ( auto == 1 )		set auto to 2		messagebox "Continuous mining mode active", "Cancel"	endif	if ( auto == 2 )		set state to 2		return	endif	set trainpct to ( mc_train_mining * 100 )	set trainpct to ( trainpct / ( mc_mining + 1 ) )	if ( mc_mining == 100 )		if ( material > 1 )			messagebox "Your mining skill is 100. Examining the block, you see %g pieces already broken loose.  Would you like to: ", material,  "Mine the stalhrim block", "Begin Continuous Mining", "Cancel"		else			messagebox "Your mining skill is 100. Would you like to: ", "Mine the stalhrim block", "Begin Continuous Mining", "Cancel"		endif	else		if ( material > 1 )			messagebox "Your mining skill is %g (%g/100). Examining the block, you see %g pieces already broken loose.  Would you like to: " mc_mining, trainpct, material,  "Mine the stalhrim block", "Begin Continuous Mining", "Cancel"			else			messagebox "Your mining skill is %g (%g/100). Would you like to: " mc_mining, trainpct, "Mine the stalhrim block", "Begin Continuous Mining", "Cancel"		endif	endif	set state to 2elseif ( state == 2 )	set button to getbuttonpressed	if ( auto == 2 )		if ( button == 0 )			set auto to 0			set state to 0			return		endif		set timer to ( timer + getsecondspassed )		if ( timer > .5 )			set timer to 0			set state to 3			return		elseif ( mc_mining >= 100 )			if ( timer > .125 )				set timer to 0				set state to 3				return			endif		endif	endif		if ( button == -1 )		return	elseif ( button == 0 )		set state to 3	elseif ( button == 1 )		set auto to 1		set state to 1		return	elseif ( button == 2 )		set state to 0		return		endifelseif ( state == 3 )	set mc_skillvalue to mc_mining	set temp to ( material + 1 )	set mc_difficulty to ( 20 * temp )	startscript mc_skillcheck	set state to 4elseif ( state == 4 )	if ( mc_skill_results == 0 )		return	elseif ( mc_skill_results == 1 )		set material to ( material + 1 )		messagebox "You succeed in loosening a total of %g pieces of stalhrim from the block.", material		playsound "repair"		set state to 10		set mc_craft_results to 1		return	elseif ( mc_skill_results == -1 )		messagebox "You have mined this block as much as you are able."		playsound "pack"		set shattered to 1		set state to 0		set mc_craft_results to 0		set mc_skill_results to 0	endifendifend

p.s. if anyone can tell me the bbcode for the code box with the vertical scroll bar, I'll edit this post and shrink the script to something more manageable.
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Killer McCracken
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Post » Thu May 20, 2010 4:23 am

Thanks again. I'm enjoying the mod, but nowhere as accomplished as to use that code.
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