Morrowind - Window Issue?

Post » Wed May 20, 2015 1:56 pm

Hey everyone, other than being glad to be on these forums, I have a slight problem I need help with in Morrowind GOTY

Me being a noob and cannot seem to find any towns/NPC's for quests, I often like to have my elder scrolls games in windowed mode in case I have to refer to a wiki page to find a NPC (I do the quests by myself). However, it seems that Morrowind is the only game that seems to not want to go in windowed mode....

No matter how many times I set the option to launch the game to windowed, it just changes back to Fullscreen! Even the in-game settings such as graphics won't save changes I make to them. I know I can Alt-Tab however I have two problems with that:

1. I have to refer to quest NPC's OFTEN

2. The game crashes when I do any kind of Alt-Tab / Task Manager

Any ideas for me?

Thank you!

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Wed May 20, 2015 1:41 pm

Morrowind hates being Alt Tabbed, even when in Windowed Mode.

My suggestion is, if you have a smart phone, use that for web research on the game. The only thing that might not work well are the map sites, and those may be OK on mobile.

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Paul Rice
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Post » Wed May 20, 2015 12:28 am

Alright, but I still want my changes to the game to save, any ideas on that at all? Its annoying that the music is blaring loud every time I start up the game....

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Marine Arrègle
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