Main quest loophole?

Post » Sun May 24, 2015 5:09 am

So, I started my Morrowind game in around 2009.

I will recall what happened as best as I can.

I never cared much for the main quest, all I really wanted was the secrets, easter eggs and incredibly rare items from the world.

Eventually, after about a month or two of playing nearly every day, I had explored almost the whole world and found easter eggs such as the forum-related BanHammer and Capn's Guide to the Fishy Stick. I even went far enough to find the Peke Utchoo Joke. By this point my house was a museum and I was around level 36. The only problem was that I had barely started the main quest, only having reached Arkngthand and completed the quest area there.
The only things I was missing was a full set of Daedric Armor (I know you may be thinking where this is going, and yes)
When I found Tel Fyr, I found this guy in a house with the last living dwemer, with all this treasure and stuff. But what really caught me was Divayth's full set of Daedric Armor (minus the helmet). I was well aware he would be invaluable to the main quest, and killed him anyway. After raiding his house for his goodies (Daedric Crescent 10/10) I decided it was worth destroying the main quest. This was the easy part to remember. The rest is a little more difficult to recall, so it may be a little off or vague, sorry :(
Everyone was devastated that I had killed Divayth but I was happily enjoying the power I had now. But, since I had done nearly everything, the only thing left was the main quest. I believe I found Sunder and Keening after being helped by Yagrum Bagarn, and in doing so I believe I activated Vivec's part. I believe that the Temple would not allow me to go into Vivec's Palace, so I broke in with an enchanted shield that unlocked 100 pts on target. He was activated, and I believe from there I was presented with Wraithguard and sent on my way to Dagoth's place. I destroyed the heart and left to find that I had apparently been redeemed from killing Divayth. This is what I am pretty sure happened, but all that I can 100% tell you happened is that I killed Divayth, got the Tools anyway, activated the quest again and completed it (not to mention I later killed Vicec, trapped his soul in the Star and made Constant Effect Levitation :banana: )
But can anyone tell me what I probably did and how it happened? This is an old save (on original Xbox)
Thank you :D
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Post » Sat May 23, 2015 6:03 pm

You used the main quest's backdoor. It's just an alternative the devs implemented in case we screwed ourselves (mostly with murder). I can't tell you much more because I never actually did it that way. Still nice to hear it was used by someone and allowed for a smooth story flow instead of bumping into a dead end.

Edit: By the way, welcome to the forums and have a! (It's a tradition)

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