Would anyone have time to beta test a short quest mod?

Post » Mon May 25, 2015 2:43 am

Hey everybody,

So after getting excited about the Morrowind Modathon stuff, I challenged myself to see if I could make a decent quest mod in a week or less! I failed. But I've finally finished it now!

I've run through all of the quests in the mod myself and they all work as far as I can see, but because they're quite open-ended and script heavy at times, I'm nervous about releasing the mod with a fatal bug or flaw in it. So, would anyone be keen to beta test the mod in the next few days? I say next few days, because I'd really like to meet the May deadline for the Modathon, if possible!

There are only four quests all up, and they're quite short, though there is a fair bit of backstory for you to get into if you like that sort of thing. It shouldn't take more than a couple of hours to run through at most.

It's alright if nobody is up for it, especially given the short timespan I've given (not everyone stays up until ungodly hours like I do...) -- I think it's functional and I've ironed out all of the fatal bugs, so I'll just upload it. But I'd really like to be sure if I can!


https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0ss6y_pJT86fkhwZGUyNzQxTWlVSFVILUMtOC10Ymd1TXAtbVdNbWRhYnJNaUs4RDNvaUE&usp=sharing is the link to the beta archive, if anyone is interested. It has a readme thing explaining stuff. Yeah. Oh, and the beta esp requires MW, TRI and BM.

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