Warning about construction set dialogue limitations

Post » Wed May 27, 2015 8:03 pm

I've checked through all of the major modding tutorials I have and none of them mentioned this hitch, so I'm "reporting" it here. I'm sorry if people already know about this, but I didn't, and I thought it'd be worth throwing out there.

While I was testing out the dialogue I'd written in a mod, I noticed something odd: even though I'd error-checked the dialogue and knew for a fact that the commands included in the results box weren't too long, one of my choice options cut out abruptly in-game.

What I mean is, in the editor it read like this:

Choice "There was one fairly long choice sentence, kinda like this but longer, bear with me, it's just an example." 1 "And there was a shorter choice." 2 "And another one." 3

In the game, it read like this:

Choice "There was one fairly long choice sentence, kinda like this but longer, bear with." 1 "And there was a shorter choice." 2 "And another one." 3

This confused me, because I've used error check in the editor plenty of times, and it's always caught out when my results section is too long (i.e. when all characters in the results section is >= 512, at which point it won't be compiled in-game). Yet no matter how much I tried, the error check wouldn't pick up on this odd choice.

I started fiddling with the choice length and eventually I found that the choice would always appear fine in the editor, but in game, it would be automatically cut off if it was longer than exactly 200 characters with spaces.

My conclusion is that there is a hard-wired limit on how long individual choices can be, regardless of whether or not the entire results section is under or over its 512 character limit.

Put simply...

  • There is a 511 character (with spaces) limit on how long the results section in an given dialogue entry can be, and this will be picked up by error check.
  • There is a 200 character (with spaces) on how long any individual choice can be in a results section, even if the total results section is under 512 characters, and this will not be picked up by the error check.

The reason why this is such miserable news is that I now have to go and check through heaps and heaps of dialogue entries and whittle down choice sizes, because I thought that all I had to do was work within the 511 character limit...

Anyway, the lesson is, don't write overly long choices!

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Post » Thu May 28, 2015 6:45 am

I dunno if your dialogue issue in CS is related to this dialogue problem or not. :shrug:


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daniel royle
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