Morrowind - Last great RPG of the series?

Post » Tue Jun 02, 2015 5:51 am

It seems like, the further we go, the farther of the original success formula of the Morrowind we go.

Oblivion added voice acting, "action-combat," but simplified the game by introducing fast travel, removed many cool features such as levitate and spears, and overall offered less amount of quests than the original game. The main quest was also very unoriginal and dull - just an Oblivion gate after Oblivion after Oblivion gate - contrast to the unique diplomacies, politics and choises offered in Morrowind.

Skyrim simplified the game even further. The original skill system wich we all learned to know and love was replaced with a very simplified one wich one does not need to have any skill or tactical planning to succeed in. The combat also took a dive towards an even more action-orientated combat this time around. Quests are even worse and much more linear and unimaginative than Oblivion's, and offered less choise than both the Morrowind and Oblivion. The main quest was better than Oblivions, but that isn't really saying very much isn't it... Worst of all, there were no spears!

The series has overall improved in graphical quality and fidelity from the original, but this has come at the cost of quality. I strongly feel that Ob and Skyrim armours, in particular, lack in character when compared to the Morrowind ones. What happened to the exquisite Colovian Fur Helm or Netch Leather Armour? Or just look at the cool Samurai-Looking Orcish armour from Morrowind. That was epic!

Overall, I feel like the series has taken a too deep of a slip of it's original RPG roots in Morrowind. The game is becoming less and less like an RPG game, and more and more like an action-oriented adventure game. Wich is probably good for the sales and all, but svcks for the long term fans of this series and the RPG genre.


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Ashley Tamen
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Post » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:45 pm

In a word. No.

In a more complex theme... TES has always been an ACTION RPG. Always. The systems used have changed over time, but the overall focus hasn't.

Morrrowind, dear to my heart as it may be, was not a vastly superior RPG compared to Skyrim and Oblivion. In fact, on an absolute scale, Skyrim has more options. The changes in the games mechanics have also pushed systems into more natural, and far more adaptive directions which can allow for far greater choice and interaction than was ever possible in Morrowind (frankly, I think Daggerfall was the most RPG heavy of the series).

The style complaints I can see with Oblivion, which was about as boring as stale bread and onion soup, bit Skyrims art has taken a step the more inspired and interesting... Bit that's more personal taste...

On the whole, I've never found that these complaints, which surface often, are grounded. If anything, Morrowind was far and above the most dumbed down game in the series.
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