So I'm trying to recreate the Blink spell from Dishonored (yes, I know there's a mod that does this already, but I want to learn how to script myself), and I keep getting an irritating error that I don't know how to solve. Basically, I'm modifying the defaultTeleport script that the Caller uses. I've trimmed off all the fat and am left with this:
scriptName BlinkSpell extends activeMagicEffect import gameimport utility activator property BlinkTargetAct autofloat property fSearchRadius = 1600.0 auto ObjectReference teleportGoal ObjectReference playerRef Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)playerRef = game.getPlayer()endEVENT Event Teleport()teleportGoal = FindRandomReferenceOfTypeFromRef(BlinkTargetAct, PlayerRef, fSearchRadius)playerRef.MoveTo(teleportGoal)EndEvent