Hi everyone. I've been working on an update to Immersive Jewelry that will allow users to switch their rings from right to left hands, and I think I have a pretty effective script to handle this using dual form lists. However, when it comes to allowing users to swap items with player enchantments as well, I had a couple of questions that I wondered if you could help me with.
First, is the limitation still in place that if an item with a player-made enchantment is equipped by means of a script, that the enchantment won't take effect until the player equips the item by hand? I wondered if there might have been a recent SKSE update that resolved this or anything.
Second, is it possible by means of the SKSE functions GetBaseEnchantment(), MagicEffect GetNthEffectMagicEffect(Int index), Float GetNthEffectMagnitude(int index), and SetNthEffectMagnitude(int index) to copy an enchantment exactly from one item (ie, a right handed ring) and apply it with the exact same parameters to another (ie, a called up left handed ring) ? If it is possible, can someone give an example of how this might be accomplished?