What's your preferred point of view setting?
What's your preferred point of view setting?
I play exclusively in 3rd-person. I am not my characters. I do not want to see the world through my character's eyes. We are an adventuring party of two, with my character on one side of the screen and myself on the other. I make suggestions ("Hey, let's go into that dungeon over there!") and my character summarily rejects all of them.
Third-person. If I spent all that time creating a character, I want to see him or her lol. Or, if I'm wearing full armor that looks awesome, I want to see my character wearing it. And besides, first-person melee fighting in Skyrim made me dizzy.
That makes sense. I prefer first-person, but I frequently change to third-person to see myself.
Third-person. I play multiple concurrent characters, none of whom are "me." Being able to see my character helps me to stay "in character," because I don't forget which one I'm playing at the moment.