All the distance and space you see on your screen........well that space isn't in the computer chips that are creating it. And no one could claim that say Riverwood exists in a one thousandths of a millimetre distance somewhere along the length of any particular silicon chip. The world we see on screen is a different dimension to our physical world. Although it all runs from millisecond to millisecond withing the CPU, the construct is not in there, and yet we still see it and move our avatars under our control within it.
Contemplating the nature of the existence of the cyber world is fascinating. Consider how our screens give us a clear up close view right down at their ground level, and yet even with suitable AI no npc could peer back at a screen in his sky and see into your lounge ( I think). We see them from 'outside' or 'above' but in a direction the on screen npcs can't see. That makes us.....Divine, by npc standards. And when Daedra peer into the mortal realms of Tamriel, they surely see into it similarly to the way we do! From an external dimension. In controlling our game characters.....we are all gods. The player characters operate by our will alone having no AI of there own. They are our what....prophets? Maybe!
Perhaps one day games will have player characters that actually do have auto pilot. So the player will kind of suggest a course of action to the char rather that take full control ( my future prediction).
That blue/ green cyber void of unwritten cyber space that you can occasionally stumble into outside of a loaded cell........that truely is the void of Sithis as far as your char is concerned. It is infinite within a tiny chip. It is clearly a place that can be existed within ( by coded programmes) and yet no measurement would hold meaning. It is of...indeterminate size. It's a bit like saying how tall is your character? It depends how close you are because there are no inches in Skyrim, that's for our world out here.
I could think about this for hours..........maybe if I think enough, I could go there? Well that's how the best Scifi stories work

Anyone else find such ruminations cross your minds? Or am I alone in my madness, ha!