[RELz] Boots of Infernal Chaos v1.2

Post » Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:48 am

Hey guys,

I'm in the process of uploading all my old mods to the Nexus, and I thought I'd patch them up while I'm at it. So, here is the latest version of my mod: Boots of Infernal Chaos!


This mod features a short quest, upon completion of which you will be rewarded with some enchanted boots that leave a trail of fire behind you.

Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDfGwQEKKLo



Boots of Infernal Chaos v1.2
by Danjb

Smoulderon - an ancient Flame Atronach - sits in the heart of Red Mountain, waiting to die. Help him, and you will receive the Boots of Infernal Chaos, which leave a trail of fire wherever you walk.

Requires Tribunal.


The fire trail may be demanding on some systems. The following settings can be customised in order to improve performance (or just for fun):

djb_fire_delay: delay, in seconds, between fires spawning (default = 0.04)
djb_fire_lifetime: time, in seconds, before fires disappear (default = 4.0)

To change these settings in-game, type console commands like so:
set djb_fire_delay to 0.08


- Added quest entry to journal.
- The boots now leave a longer / denser trail.
- The boots no longer leave fire underwater.
- The fire now shrinks before it disappears.
- Added the ability to tweak the fire settings through the console.
- Removed collision from the fire.
- Added an enchantment to the boots.
- Fixed the "help me" topic not being clickable.
- Improved some dialogue.
- Lowered item values.

- Quest added.
- Fire damage removed from the boots.


Email: /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection
You can also find me on the Elder Scrolls forums.


- Danjb

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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Sun Jun 14, 2015 4:15 pm

Thanks for the update. I love that mod. :)

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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sun Jun 14, 2015 6:51 pm

That is so hot.

Did smile reading your readme when I got to the bit

Off to dl - tnx :)

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Andrew Lang
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