NPCs spawning at doors, clipping and disappearing

Post » Tue Jun 16, 2015 1:51 am

Hi all,

I've recently decided to get back into modding NV, and have run into an issue that I never used to have. Was wondering if perhaps someone could shed some light on it.

Basically, I've built a new cell, furnished it and navmeshed it. I've got five hostile NPCs occupying it, spread across two floors. When I first enter the building, everything is as it should be. However, if I enter, leave, then come back in, four of the NPCs spawn immediately behind me. If I use 'tgm' and move away from them, they get stuck in walls, clip into the floor, and eventually just disappear. Also, occasionally I'll see parts of the cell go partially-transparent, like it does in the GECK if you press 'm' once. This last bit spreads to other parts of the game, not just my cell.

I've done basic dungeons before, and have never had this issue. Am I missing something here? Any help would be much appreciated.



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Karine laverre
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