I've got some dialogue that I'm trying to only show if the PC has restore health potions on them. I was trying to use GetKeywordItemCount, but then realized that the keyword I was looking at - MagicAlchRestoreHealth - is on the MGEF of the potion, not the potion itself. Is there a way to check if the PC has an item with a MGEF with a keyword, or is there no way to do this/a better way? I was looking at http://www.creationkit.com/HasMagicEffectKeyword but it seems that it only checks if a MGEF is being applied. I'm not checking that, just whether or not the PC has items that heal.
Secondly, I'm trying to use ShowGiftMenu to only show restore health potions in the PCs inventory (to give). I tried adding the keyword MagicAlchRestoreHealth to a formlist and inputting that as a formlist, because the CK Wiki page (http://www.creationkit.com/ShowGiftMenu_-_Actor) said:
apFilterList: Filter list. If present, only items that match keywords and objects in the list will be shown
However, I'm hitting the same roadblock because none of the potions have keywords, just the MGEFs. If anyone could help, it would be awesome.