I had been google searching for over 2 hours but never came came upon that thread. All the terms I was searching for revolved around the error messages being dumped into my Warnings.txt file, not MGSO patches. Regardless, there's little excuse for me calling people, who you describe as making us free entertainment, lazy. Thank you for linking that thread, though, I really do appreciate it.
I'm sorry, I didn't want to sugar coat how I felt. But, I agree with you (and the above poster), it's not fair of me (or anyone else) to run around name-calling and belittling people's works. I hope I haven't annoyed you too much. I also understand, now that you've explained your reasoning, why it's not your responsibility for holding my own, and anyone else's, hands in fixing issues that crop up and are caused by other mods. Please forgive me, as I have done you an injustice.
With that out of the way, I would like to offer you some constructive criticism. I really do love your content and I really don't want you to think I'm saying this out of spite, in an effort to go tit-for-tat with you (it's not like that). I'm not entirely new to modding TES games and I was still baffled when it came to the error messages I was receiving and the google hits I was stumbling on. If you could post a link to the thread the gentlemen above you posted, onto your blog, I would highly appreciate that and I'm sure quite a few other potential users would also. It would have saved me some embarrassment and you some annoyance.
Nevertheless, I would like to thank you for your great, creative and unique content and encourage you to continue building amazing staples in the modding community. I would also like you to take what people like me say with a pinch of salt and try to understand that it's not always out of frustration, rage and subconscious inadequacy (lol). I love your mod and I don't want others to be drawn away from it when simple fixes exist.
Please have a great night!