So I was just looking at and it seemed pretty cool. However the description page didn't seem to answer one question I have: does this only assign body meshes, or does it also allow you to set up armor and clothing so that, for instance, if I want all my Bosmer to use TGND they will also use TGND armor and clothing? If I want Dremora to use Room207's Bodybuilder, can I also have them automagically use bodybuilder armor? And what if I looted this armor on my Imperial with Robert's Average body, would it equip the average version of that armor or the body builder onto my imperial? I regularly swap between body mods so I already have like all of them sitting on my harddrive, and would love to find a way to put them all to use in my game.
Can Setbody Reloaded, and/or are there any other body assignment mods out there with this automated functionality?
Apologies if I missed the answer, and thanks for any help