After struggling through 2 aborted playthroughs, due to constant crashing and freezing, I finally figured out what went terribly wrong.
I re-installed Skyrim last month. As I was setting it up, I thought that the SKSE loader would create all the necessary files. Nope! I forgot to do what Gopher told us to do in his SKSE video, long ago: Create an skse.ini file in the skske folder!
I had the one in my "My Documents" area, but nothing in the game folder. As I was researching why I was crashing so often, a post on Steam reminded me about the skse folder and it's need for the skse.ini file. Since I have copied my skse.ini file to the correct place, my game is again as smooth as a baby's behind.
I just wanted to let others know about this oversight on my part and maybe remind someone having the same troubles as I was. Such a simple thing and it totally screwed up my game. Now I have my uGrids right, my memory usage right, and so much more.
I hope this helps somebody