Rise of House Telvanni - Vivec Teleport Pad location?

Post » Thu Jun 25, 2015 9:24 pm

Hello everyone,

I've been loving the robust mods that add hours of creative content to House Telvanni. Truly amazing stuff. My archmagister really feels like a powerful and influential figure.

But strangely enough, even after constructing it, he hasn't the wits to find the teleport pad that would link his tower to the largest city in Vvardenfell. Anybody know where it is?

Thanks in advance.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:40 am

Since you mention the tower, I assume you're speaking about Uvirith's Legacy teleport pads, and not the (spell-activated) teleport system found in RoHT. In that case, you need to talk about the teleport system with Mavon Drenim (if you weren't an Archmagister yet, you wouldn't be able to do anything with it, but since you hold the position there won't be too many problems).

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