Anyone else excited about New Horizon finally unveiling the 9th planet Pluto?
I still vaguely remember when it was still thought that Venus could be an inhabited jungle of a planet, that was the late 50's haha.
Anyone else excited about New Horizon finally unveiling the 9th planet Pluto?
I still vaguely remember when it was still thought that Venus could be an inhabited jungle of a planet, that was the late 50's haha.
Pluto has always been a planet and the Earth is, indeed, round.
I coulda sworn Pluto was a dog once upon a yesteryear.
As for the 9th planet, yes, I said 9th...Pluto has always intrigued me, and am looking forward to what it has in store for us in the next few moths. This ought to be interesting since we've never even been to Pluto, it's always just been a tiny speck of light as far as I can remember. Even as small as it is, it's going to get a lot bigger once we get some close up pictures of it.
I can't wait for New Horizon's pictures of pluto, especially considering some of it's previous pictures of Jupiter and Ganymede (of which are awe inspiring).