Okay, so I'd really like to learn scripting, but I have no prior knowledge of any kind of scripting language. This not something I have ever tried to do before. Yet, I know that if I learn scripting I could do a lot of really awesome stuff with my mods.
I have tried looking into varies tutorials, and The Scripting Guide for Dummies, but what I noticed was a lot of those tutorials reference you back to that guide and have no real scripting info in them, and the others aren't really meant for beginners with no prior knowledge. I did try using the guide, but one of the first things it tells you is that it is not really meant to be used to learn scripting, but to expand your scripting knowledge. And reading through it that is exactly what I found (granted, I have not read through it fully as I just did not understand what I was reading). It has one tutorial in at the beginning, which I did do, but it didn't give enough of a basis or understanding to really continue scripting.
So basically what I am looking for is, Tutorials/Info/Guides/Advice/Anything that would help me to learn scripting? I am really just at loss on it right now, so any and all help would be greatly appreciated.