Vanilla Secret Door Locations.....

Post » Wed Jul 01, 2015 5:30 pm

The reason im posting this heres is because im using Jaxonz's Positioner and various other mods to decorate Lakeview manor the way i want it done.

Now i need a good vanilla working secret door,the ones i know bout:

     *The bookshelf in pine watch...i copied the buttons and bookshelf and well it just wont work,which is sad because i thought that was a really good one.     *The Wardrobe at the Thief Guild...havent tried it yet but maybe the best i have to work with.     *The Wardobe in riverwood's but is really narrow for what i need..had to use the enlarge function.     *Theres a book shelf or something in the thief guild's guild master's house...havent tried that yet.

What i want is a good one for the like to get one of them stone wall that opens and closes..but im pretty sure theres buttons involved and i dont think that would work with just copying with the positioner's function.

If you know one that might suit me and work could you list it's information?


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KU Fint
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