why are hockey masks in game !

Post » Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:00 am

what type of twisted world is fallout 3 in that hockey is the national past time in america and not football, that Canada twisted our sports ideas in the fallout universe to a point that football never was invented and hockey and baseball are the good old american favorites.

Hockey masks galore in the DC wasteland! Not a darn football helmet to be seen. *** sniff *** so sad.

Oh look, another Hockey mask... let me just kick that piece of junk to the curb and stomp on it till its broken and then i'll take the shattered pieces, melt them down, and make it into steel-toe boots so i can break more hockey masks!

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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:12 am

Keep in mind that the game takes place primarily in Washington, DC...a city that was famously beaten by the Chicago Bears, 73-0 in the 1940 NFL championship game. :tongue:

Of course, they didn't have a hockey team in the Fallout world, so maybe they were fans of the Bruins. We'll have to see about the Bruins in FO 4.

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Nancy RIP
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Post » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:11 pm

Hockey masks, Lord Humungus, Jason, Texas and chainsaws. They are all tied together and have nothing to do with the game of ice hockey.

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