Post » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:04 am

If you've already followed this topic (http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1524634-graphics-anyone-interested-in-this-graphics-setup/) you know what you're in for, but I have another piece of news: no more Sweetfx only, not even Reshade (yes, I also tried that one with the Mastereffect shader pack) ... the release is with GEMFX.

GEMFX is basically Sweetfx + some other shaders...

After some more hours of tweaking, I've decided that this is my final build... I've even adjusted the sky color to be more natural.

So, without further ado...


It's VERY simple to install, and VERY simple to uninstall if you don't fancy it...

Just download this fairly big installer (don't panic, it's absolutely safe) http://www.mediafire.com/download/dcvp2q5cqpcbi2u/GEMFXv1_0_8.exe (credits to Lucifer Hawk, creator of GEMFX, who in turn had the benefit of the work of geniuses before him).

Just run the .exe and point it to install the files to your Morrowind main folder.

After that, grab my settings https://www.dropbox.com/s/vi628oou8er5eo4/GEMFX_settings.cfg?dl=0 (a grand total of 30+ hours of finetuning by yours truly Julianross) and copy/paste the file in the following directory: Morrowind/GEMFX/Presets/current.

One last step: as I already said in my last topic, I use Gamma correction shader (tweaked by me) in MGE XE and you should probably use it too, to have the colors work as intended.

Grab it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xg6xx5rpofjf8sk/Gamma%20correction.fx?dl=0and copy/paste it into the following directory: Morrowind/Data files/Shaders/Xe shaders. Then open MGEXEGui.exe, located in your Morrowind folder, click on the "Shader setup..." button, and duoble click on Gamma correction. Then click on the Save button. Exit MGEXE Gui.

You're done.

UNINSTALL: Just delete d3d9.dll, dxgi.dll, GEMFX directory, GEMFX_Configurator.exe, GEMFX_Preview.jpg, GEMFX_Readme.txt. Open MGEGui.exe, Shader setup..., double click on Gamma correction below, Save. Exit MGE Gui. You're done.

SCREENSHOTS: You can refer to the first link in this very topic. But, it's even better now.

I don't know if I had a screwed MGSO installation (probably not), or if MGSO v3 is 10000000 times better than MGSO v2, but I'll tell you what: I had (as main graphics mods) MGSO v2, Lougian's landscape retexture, Skies v4 (grab them at Morrowind Nexus if you like 'em) and MGE XE before (refer to my previous topic for my not-that-godly settings)..... and..... with GEMFX on top of them my graphics are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G now. Everything is balanced.

I wanted to feel under the sun if I was supposed to be like that.... and to feel like I'm in the shadows if I am.... to have creepy dungeons, realistic nights, amazing lighting and perfect skies and colors.... I got them all now. There is STILL (fairly intact) that kind of pastel-like quality of Morrowind graphics.

Hope you enjoy...

and CIAO! from Italy (same country as Kingpix, author of MGSO)!

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Stephy Beck
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