Hi all,
I created a fire and forget projectile spell, nothing too fancy, and attached a basic script to it. The script just has an OnEffectStart, and does a debug.notification to see who akTarget was (i.e. who you hit).
When hitting an actor with my spell, no surprise, my ActiveMagicEffect script will run successfully in the block:
Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
This works, of course, because the target was an actor. What I'd actually like to do is target something inanimate, like a tree for example, and then get a reference to what was "hit" with the projectile.
Does anyone have a clever approach to doing something like this? I know I could probably shoot a projectile at something, have it stick, and then see where it is, but probably not what it "hit", right? Or can I?
Thank so much!