Issue editing LItemMiscVendorArrows

Post » Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:19 pm

Probably a noob question...

I made a new item called ArrowFeathers, my plan being to make that a requirement to craft arrows in game (I'm sort of doing a small, basic crafting overhaul for myself).

In order to get vendors selling them (in a kind of random, percentage-based way) I made a leveled list called LItemArrowFeathers and set it up the same way that BaseArrowIron75 is. And then I added my LItemArrowFeathers to the LItemMiscVendorArrows list, similar to how the other arrows are set up in it.

Now when I test it, none of the blacksmiths sell my Feathers, but the general goods traders and the Solitude fletcher sells a [censored]-ton of Iron, Steel, Dwarven, and Orcish arrows (at level 1), as well as my Feathers... I'm talking like 500-1000 of each. The Khajiit caravans don't seem to sell any arrows or my feathers, but I can't remember if they are supposed to sell arrows or not. I even waited for everyone's inventory to reset.

Does anyone have any idea why this would be? Am I editing the wrong lists? Am I completely going about it wrong?

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Jack Moves
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