Galsiah's Character Development Trouble

Post » Sun Jul 12, 2015 10:05 am

I have encountered some problems with Galsiah's. Besides a few CTD it was mainly these two:

1. When I start a new game and start raising a skill (for example acrobatics to about 10/100, not a whole skill point) the skill increases at the regular morrowind rate, which seems to be working as intended (?). However, after I save and load the game, the previous progress in the skills will either be completely erased (0/100) or partially reduced (6/100 from previously 10/100). However, this only seems to be the case with lower level skills. It can't be intended for skill progress to be erased or modified in any way by loading? I would understand if it was a recalculation of the skill point amount or attribute amount, but how can it affect the progress x/100?

2. As stated, skills seem to progress at normal rate right after starting a new game. After saving and loading, progress rates suddenly drop more or less dramatically.


Game Start Acrobatics at 5, 1 jump ~ 3% skill progression

Game Load Acrobatics at 5, 2 jump < 2% skill progression

Additionally the reduction in skill progression speed is inconsistent as well. In some cases skill progression slowed down to around 0.1% per jump at skill lvl 5. How does that even work? Nothing has changed other than starting a new game and otherwise using the same mods, race, class (so same attributes, skills).

I have deactivated any mod that changes gameplay and have for the most part just MGSO and all it's mods active. I already tried deactivating various other mods that could possibly cause this and as a result figured out that the problem definitely stems from some function of Galsiah's.

So do you think that the reduction in skill progression is intended in Galsiah's? Judging from the documentation of the mod, that shouldn't happen before a certain treshold.

How can it erase my x/100 skill progress? That can't be intended. Neither can it be intended for the mod to only fully function once I saved and loaded the game?

I would be grateful for any input or explanations on how to solve this / or even if this needs solving at all.

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Lakyn Ellery
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