Sorry if this has been mentioned already, I couldn't find anything about it in the Search.
I think it would make crafting more streamlined if player-owned crafting stations came with safe input and output containers. This way you could stockpile resources and crafted items safely and add/remove as necessary. It would certainly be much more organized than dumping all types of crafted items into a barrel or chest.
For example, alchemy tables would pull ingredients from a designated satchel on the table then created potions get put into a designated potions barrel beside the alchemy table. Tanning racks could pull from a Skins/Hides barrel then output to a Leathers barrel. Enchanting would need a few, one for disenchanting, maybe a soul gem container and a base weapons container, then an output one for Enchanted Weapons. Cooking Stations pull from a Raw Ingredients barrel and output to a Food Barrel. Raw Materials barrel for Forges which output to a Weapons/Armor container. And so on. They could still keep it in player inventory for those that prefer the original method, just have two options when you activate the crafting station: Inventory and Containers. This should only be an option on player-owned crafting stations.
I usually stockpile my raw materials then come back later for a mass crafting session and this would make things so much easier and more organized, at least IMO.