player->getsoundplaying "Item <type> Down&#3

Post » Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:33 am

I am trying to detect item use and equip events (either inventory menu or hot keys). Using if ( player->getsoundplaying "Drink" ) and "Swallow" work perfectly for detecting potions and ingredient consumption. But player->getsoundplaying "Item Down" is not working for me at all to detect equiping =Clothes, Ring, Heavy/Medium/Light Armor, various Weapons (despite the game actually playing the "Item Down" sounds). The simple test script below demonstrates the issue.

begin sve_test

if ( player->getsoundplaying "Item Clothes Down" ) ; doesn't work
messagebox "Item Clothes Down"
elseif ( player->getsoundplaying "Drink" == 1 ) ; works
messagebox "Drink"


I'm using the latest MGE 0.10.0 beta and MWSE 0.9.5 alpha and am able to reproduce the issue with no other plugins besides Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon.esms.

Any experiece with this particular usage working ( or not ) or advice what might be keeping it from working for me would be much appreciated!
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Elizabeth Falvey
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