Ules Farm and Who's There Dialog

Post » Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:35 pm

I have been playing around with the 1.1 version of Ules Farm for the last couple of hours and was wondering if someone who is more familiar with the dialog system in Morrowind could answer a few questions.

I noticed that the mod has made modifications to the 'Who's There?' entry that can cause problems with NPCs not directly facing you. The mod contains two references. The first, ID 1215227585220936854, is the one from the three original .esm files. It is marked as deleted in Ules Farm. Ules Farm introduces a new 'Who's There' dialog entry, ID 2406450412703825973, that appears to be identical as the original entry (and introducing the same issues, as far as I can tell). If I delete these two entries with Enchanted Editor, it seems to mess up the dialog sequence, and if I delete them with the construction set, it seems to delete several other dialog entries when I save the file (5 info entries deleted).

I was wondering if someone understands what the purpose of the added 'Who's There' dialog entry (and why it is modifying the original entry in the first place). Assuming there is not a good reason for these entries, what is the best way to delete the entries out of the plugin?

Thanks for any information!

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:18 pm

It was not too many years ago that there was quite a lively discussion about the proper way of dealing with that particular greeting.

The purpose of the greeting [info ID 12152278...] is to have an appropriate NPC response when the player greets him/her while invisible or otherwise undetectable. Seemed reasonable enough, but for some reason the Bloodmoon expansion re-filtered the greeting for Ulfgar the Unending. Presumably Bethesda no longer wanted most (any) NPC to use the greeting and that was their lame way of 'removing' the greeting without actually deleting it (or all sorts of problems might ensue as you have lately discovered).

Then the Unofficial Morrowind Patch (some distance version of it) restored the greeting by removing the speaker ID filter. However (if I am recalling correctly) Tamriel Rebuilt disabled the greeting in a fashion similar to that of Bloodmoon. I believe the reason being that the greeting could break some of their quests.

After much discussion it was decided that the unofficial patch should prevent the greeting and did so by filtering for the speaker ID 'dialog placeholder' (an NPC that does not appear in the game, but exist expressly for such a purpose).

Now you are running a mod that seems to have added a new entry to replace the 'Who's there?' greeting while deleting the original and so the mayhem begins. If you are using the latest unofficial patch, then that means you are also running Bloodmoon. If you have Tamriel Rebuilt in addition to Ules Farm you have no less than five different files all competing over the same dialogue entry each with its own intentions and solutions. I am not surprised that you are experiencing problems. Without loading various combinations of the masters/mods together in the editor to see how load order determines which treatment will prevail it is impossible to predict the outcome or offer a course of action to resolve the matter. It is not merely about this one (or now two) 'Who's there?' greetings, but the domino effect these changes have on the greetings added by Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon to say nothing of other mods that might add new entries near the top of Greeting 1. I wish I had something more encouraging to offer, but this illustrates why it is not wise to make changes to official dialogue entries. However cleaning Ules Farm of its changes would be a good start.

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