So I'm doing a very hard (difficulty) hardcoe (mode) play through. I'm level 7 and I pissed off the legion very early by ambushing Vulpes in Nipton, freeing the powder gangers, and harassing their patrols. I even attacked Cotton Wood cove with moderate success, though I was forced to retreat. Now they are sending legion assassins at me, but the attacks are becoming more and more intense. I'm in the Novac area and they just keep coming! Centurions, vexillauriuses, anything short of a praetorian. My light arms don't do jack against their armor and I'm level 7! Novac has been wiped out and so has Helios 1. The viper ambushes are getting interrupted by legionaries, which is incredibly amusing but not good for me! I'm down to 7 shots for my cowboy repeater, 32 shots for the service rifles looted off of the dead NCR troops, and about a dozen 10 mm rounds. With the odd grenade here and there, I may have to start using the super sledges the assassins are bringing.
Do you have any idea how to kill these guys at an early level? I haven't even been to Vegas, so heavy weapons are a rarity.
Or better yet, do you know how to make them slow down on the spawning? The wiki only mentions that they sometimes fail to spawn, but I'm facing several parties at once sometimes!
Please help!