Is somebody interested in a mutual game of Morrowind?

Post » Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:44 pm


I would like to play with somebody who would be interested in playing a mutual game with me.whether the game should be vanilla or modded is open for discussion

That means,for example,I play 1 hour,then we change saves,the other person plays 1 hour and so on.

I think it would be fun because of the following reasons(from my own perspective):I could finally interact with somebody who enjoys morrowind as much as i do.i could add an extremely random element to the game,and i could share my ingame stories with somebody :)

also,more rpg feeling?

Do you speak english fluently,have massive amounts of time on your hands and are okay with voice chat in skype?If so,please add me addy is ros3nrot3 . But in case I don't receive your friendship request ( happens sometimes) send me also a private message here.

I hope I didn't post it in the wrong thread

Good day to you all~

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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:27 pm

I couldn't do this sort of thing as I don't have the time, but I just wanted to comment that it sounds like it'd be pretty cool. You could utilize the map annotation feature to leave little messages and such or hide things in the world. A lot of potential for fun and surprises. I hope someone is willing and has the time to participate!

Actually this got me thinking, what if there was a community save file... un-modded for the sake of compatibility... and people would take turns with it. Could be interesting with a lot of people using it! :devil:

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Brittany Abner
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